Unlike the others YouTube downloaders, uTubePy allows you to download a video with higher resolutions (like 1080p or 4k)
YouTube (and other web videos provider) split audio and video, then we have to download video and audio in a separate way, next we can merge these two temp files (video.mp4,audio.mp4) into a single one.
Install the dependencies with pip3
$ python3 gui_pytdwn.py
$ python3 pyt_dwn.py
- then put the url, next the resolution and last the mode (A=audio only, V=video only, B=both audio and video)
- choose if add another video or start download
- enjoy ;)
Using pytube, we earn all the library problems... like
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'span'
PyTube has a common issue () you can see it on their github page (https://github.com/pytube/pytube/issues).
A solution is provided by @ifahadone, you need to replace a function into "/Users/alby/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/pytube/cipher.py" file. Here link: https://github.com/pytube/pytube/issues/1243#issuecomment-1032242549
PyTube streamdata (happened after update python to 3.11)
solved via: pytube/pytube#1586 a problem mainly of youtube, I had to authenticate my terminal with my google account
Another one: pytube/pytube#1707
Error 400 on the request, seems to be dued to age restriction
- Solved via: pytube/pytube#1894
- Error w/ Certificate solved via: pytube/pytube#1431
Getting throttling function problem
- Solved via: pytube/pytube#1954 (comment)