This app generates a movie and tv shows library by scanning Premiumize Cloud files. It recursively scans your Premiumize Cloud for video files, guesses it's name, searches in TMDB, and adds to the database.
Includes downloader that downloads checked media to local storage via aria2
I created this mainly for myself. A lot of things needs to be documented. Feel free to open an issue or contact me about details.
# copy .env, setup database, add your Premiumize account and TMDB API Key in .env file
cp -n .env.example .env
# install dependencies via
composer install
# create your database before running this, default database name in .env
# creates tables
php artisan migrate
# main sync library command
# scans for new, removed, changed files in Premiumize Cloud
php artisan sync:library
# start web server for library
# Database dump at
php artisan serve