SQLite-Haystack is an embedded SQLite backed Document Store for Haystack 2.X intended for prototyping or small systems.
Currently supported features are:
- Embedded database for in memory or on disk use.
- BM25 Free Text Search using SQLite FTS5
- Bring-your-own-embedding vector search using SQLite; available on Linux only.
The current simplest way to get SQLite-Haystack is to install from GitHub via pip:
pip install git+https://github.com/alanmeeson/sqlite-haystack.git
See the example in examples/pipeline-usage.ipynb
Warning: make sure you instantiate the retriever before ingesting documents so that it can setup the index.
You can use hatch
to run the linters:
~$ hatch run lint:all
cmd [1] | ruff .
cmd [2] | black --check --diff .
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
6 files would be left unchanged.
cmd [3] | mypy --install-types --non-interactive src/sqlite_haystack tests
Success: no issues found in 6 source files
Similar for running the tests:
~$ hatch run cov
cmd [1] | coverage run -m pytest tests
To build the package you can use hatch
~$ hatch build
In no particular order:
Address the 1GB limit to the vector index size.
This is a limitation of the sqlite-vss module being used for vector search, so see the issue in that repo for details. It only applies to the embeddings, so as a rough estimate, if using openAI's current largest embedding model text-embedding-3-large you could index approximately 85K Documents. If using something smaller, like all-MiniLM-L6-v2 you could index approximately 600K Documents.
Write more documentation
There's docstrings in the code, but there's an outstanding task to configure pydoc or similar to produce some api docs. Also, documentation to explain the data model and how it works would be a good idea.
Add more tests on the embedding and bm25 retriever functions.
Most of the testing is the standard DocumentStore tests from the Haystack template, with some added tests of the retrievers adapted from the ElasticSearch components. These don't cover the retriever code as much as I would like, though the example notebook does serve as a simple system test script.
Add optional index creation on the metadata fields for faster filtering.
The metadata is stored in a JSON field in the main documents table. To speed up queries, we could add a method to allow users to create an index for the metadata elements which are commonly filtered on, as covered in this article. For bonus points, we could keep a track of the fields used for filtering, and automatically create indexes for fields that are used over a certain number of times.
Make a Vector search that can work without sqlite-vss for use on windows/macos
Adapt the vector search that was used in the InMemoryDocumentStore to apply to a set of documents after a filter lookup. It wouldn't be efficient, but it would do for small projects and prototypes.
Make it possible to add a retriever to an existing DocumentStore
Presently, it is necessary to add the retrievers to the DocumentStore before ingesting documents so that they can setup the triggers to add the documents to the index. This is a bit of a pain, so perhaps make either a classmethod to do that, or make the retrievers to an index repair when they're added if necessary.
- 1GB limit to the vector index size.
- Embedding search is not available for windows or macos, as sqlite-vss seems to have trouble on those. If you can install that library on those platforms, it should work though.
- Retriever has to be setup before documents are ingested so that documents get added to index.