In this release:
Fixed problems with startup when running on Pi Zero 2 W. Pi Zero 2 W has a very large startup current surge. On older versions, this triggers the low battery auto shutdown if the battery isn't fully charged. Now, should still startup if battery isn't fully changed. Code automatically detects the Pi Zero 2 W hardware so no changes if running on any other hardware.
all v1.1 changed to v1.2
added v1.2 hardware documentation
Tested on hardware: Pi Zero 2 W, Pi Zero W, Pi Zero, Pi 3B+, Pi 3B, and Pi 4B
Tested on software: Raspberry Pi OS Lite January 28th 2022, Raspberry Pi OS with desktop and recommended software January 28th 2022, , Raspberry Pi OS Lite (Legacy) January 28th 2022,
Known issues: none
To use the release Source Code zip file below, follow these steps after downloading the file (or wget https://github.com/alanbjohnston/CubeSatSim/archive/refs/tags/v1.2.zip)
unzip v1.2.zip
mv CubeSatSim-1.2 CubeSatSim
cd CubeSatSim
Alternatively, you can download a pre-installed Raspberry Pi image with the v1.2 CubeSatSim software installed:
For more information on the CubeSatSim Project see http://cubesatsim.org/