Pre-Required software
- Python 2.7x
- Modules
- opencv
- numpy
Running steps:
1 -> Copy the folder containing the frames of the video to be tested to location "/frames/Train/Train1" or "/frames/Train/Train2" 2 -> Go to the folder which has "" 3 -> Run it using the command "python" 4 -> In training mode option type "reload" to train using the frames provided in "/frames/Train"
1-> Copy the folder containing the frames of the test video to be tested to location "/frames/Test/Test1" 2 -> Go to the folder which has "" 3 -> Run it using the command "python" 4 -> In training mode option type anything other than reload 5 -> It takes the chached copy of learned feature to test the new frames provided in "/frames/Test/Test1"
1 -> After testing it'll prompt the user to press enter to watch the frames which are abnormal 2 -> After watching 1 can be pressed to reload the frames and watch again any number of times or any other key to test the next video