React Native-NativeBase Seed is a basic configuration that every React Native app must have.
This is open source and perfect for any newbie to start with React Native.
This is a React Native Project with NativeBase, Redux, CodePush, Router, Push Notification and other basic must-have libraries.
###1. System Requirements
Globally installed node >= 4.0
Globally installed npm >= 3.0
Globally installed rnpm (only if React Native version < 0.29)
Globally installed react-native CLI
Install CodePush globally and get keys for your app.
###2. Installation
A few set of commands, and you are ready to get going.
git clone
cd react-native-native-base-seed
npm install
react-native upgrade
react-native android
If React Native < 0.29
$rnpm link
If React Native >= 0.29
$ react-native link
While running react-native android
do not overwrite
###3. Simulate for iOS
Method One
Open the project in XCode from ios/ReactNativeNativeBaseSeed.xcodeproj
CodePush plugin installation:
CodePush key deployment
Go to "Build Settings" and search for keyword - codepush.
Add the codepush production key in place of Release key
Add the codepush staging key in place of Debug key
Hit the play button.
Method Two
- Run the following command in your terminal
$ react-native run-ios
###4. Simulate for Android
Codepush key deployment
Open file /android/app/build.gradle
Seacrh for buildTypes and add following lines of code
. . .
buildTypes {
release {
buildConfigField "String", "CODEPUSH_KEY", "codepush production key"
. . .
debug {
buildConfigField "String", "CODEPUSH_KEY", "codepush staging key"
. . .
Make sure you have an Android emulator installed and running.
Run the following command in your terminal
$ react-native run-android
Note: If you are building React Native-NativeBase Seed for first time on your system, please follow Method One to simulate on iOS. (To link the CodePush plugin through Xcode for iOS)