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Kokoshnikov Alexey edited this page Mar 31, 2019 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the TrainerControl wiki!

TrainerControl - is dynamic library which provide service for work with Ant+ devices like HR monitor, etc.

API (not stable)

Functions declared in TrainerCondrol.h

  1. int InitAntService(void ** ant_instanance, int & max_channels)

    Initialize Ant stick instance (via libUSB)


    ant_instanance - in case of success returns pointer to AntStic instance

    max_channels - max number of Ant devices which can be connected with Ant stick in same time

  2. int CloseAntService()

    Destroy Ant stick instance

  3. int RunSearch(void * ant_instanance, void ** pp_search_service, std::thread & thread, std::mutex & guard)

    Run service for find and keep Ant devices


    ant_instanance - pointer to initialized AntStick instance

    guard - instance of std::mutex


    pp_search_service - in case of success returns pointer to SearchService

    thread - in case of success returns service thread

  4. int StopSearch(void ** pp_search_service, std::thread & thread)

    Destroy SearchService


    pp_search_service - pointer to SearchService

    thread - service thread

  5. int AddDeviceForSearch(void * p_search_service, AntDeviceType type)

    Add request for search device


    p_search_service - pointer to SearchService

    type - type of device

  6. AntSession InitSession(void * ant_instanance, AntDevice ** devices, int num_devices, std::mutex & guard)

    Initialize AntSession and create TelemetryServer


    ant_instanance - pointer to AntStikc

    deviceы - array of pointers to initialized AntChannel instance

    num_devices - number of pointers to initialized AntChannel instance

    guard - instance of std::mutex

    Return value:

    Initialized AntSession

  7. int GetDeviceList(void * p_search_service, AntDevice ** devices, unsigned int & num_devices, unsigned int & num_active_devices)

    Fill array of AntDevice by current connected Ant devices


    p_search_service - pointer to running SearchService


    devices - array of pointers to AntDevice

    num_devices - number of registered ant channels (more or equal num_active_devices)

    num_active_devices - number of connected ant devices

  8. int CloseSession(AntSession & session)

    Destroy AntSession (destroy TelemetryServer but not HR Monitor and "bike")


    session - AntSession for destroy

  9. int Run(AntSession & session, std::thread & thread)

    Run TelemetryServer


    session - AntSession

    thread - thread for TelemetryServer

  10. int Stop(AntSession & session, std::thread & thread)

    Stop TelemetryServer


    session - AntSession

    thread - thread for TelemetryServer

  11. Telemetry GetTelemetry(AntSession & session)

    Returns current value of telemetry


    session - AntSession

    Return value:

    current value of telemetry

Structures declared in separate header - structures.h

struct AntSession
    void * m_AntStick;
    void * m_TelemtryServer;
    bool m_bIsRun;


struct Telemetry
        : hr(-1), cad(-1), spd(-1), pwr(-1) {}
    double hr;

struct AntDevice
    AntDevice() : m_type(NONE_Type), m_device(nullptr) {}
    AntDeviceType m_type;
    void * m_device;


Application thread:
        // parent thread for SearchService and TelemertyServer threads

SearchService thread:
        // finding Ant devices, create instance and keep them
        // read all messages from AntStick, send messages from device to right instance
        // check current status of connected devices, destroy instance if need

TelemertyServer thread:
        // check status, telemetry instances of Ant devices (which stored by SeachService)
        // handling user's actions (change configuration of device, etc)

Use case

int main()
    // create instance AntStick instance
    void * ant_handle;
    int max_channels = 0;
    InitAntService(&ant_handle, max_channels);
    // Run SearchService
    std::thread search_thread;
    std::mutex guard;
    void * search_service;
    RunSearch(ant_handle, &search_service, search_thread, guard);

    // add channel for search HR monitor
    AddDeviceForSearch(search_service, HRM_Type);

    // wait for connection HR monitor
    AntDevice ** device_list = new AntDevice*[max_channels];
    for (int i = 0; i < max_channels; i++)
        device_list[i] = new AntDevice();

    int num_hrm = 0;
    int id_hrm[max_channels];
    memset(id_hrm, -1, max_channels);

    while (num_hrm == 0)
        int num_devices = 0;
        GetDeviceList(search_service, device_list, num_devices);
        for (int i = 0; i < num_devices; i++)
            if (device_list[i]->m_type == HRM_Type)
                id_hrm[num_hrm] = i;

    // Init AntSession with connected  HR monitor
    AntSession ant_session = InitSession(ant_handle, &device_list[id_hrm[0]], 1, guard);

    // Run TelemetryServer
    std::thread server_thread;
    Run(ant_session, server_thread);

    //while (true)
        Telemetry t = GetTelemetry(ant_session);
        printf("HR = %lf\n",;

    // stop TelemetryServer
    Stop(ant_session, server_thread);

    // destroy AntSession

    // destroy SearchService
    StopSearch(&search_service, search_thread);

    // destroy AntStick instance

    return 0;