Source code accompanying Endo et al. "Estimating the amount of superspreading using outbreak sizes of COVID-19 outside China".
- COVID19_clustersize.ipynb/.html: Jupyter Notebook to reproduce the analysis in the paper
- bycountries_27Feb2020.csv: Data file of imported/local case counts by country from WHO situation report 38
- dailycases_international_27Feb2020.csv: Data file of daily case counts by country from
- supplementarymaterials.pdf: Supplementary materials (Figures S1-S3 and descriptions)
- R ver. 3.6.1
- {LaplacesDemon} ver. 16.1.1
- {repr} ver. 1.0.1
- {IRkernel} ver. 1.0.2
- Python ver. 3.7.4
- Jupyter Notebook ver. 4.5.0