Hermes introduces a new "describe once, run anywhere" paradigm for the execution of bioinformatics workflows in hybrid cloud environments. It combines the traditional features of parallelization-enabled workflow management systems and of distributed computing platforms in a container-based approach, while it offers seamless deployment, overcoming the burden of setting up and configuring the software and network requirements. Most importantly, Hermes guarantees the reproducibility of research by enforcing standardization of the execution environment, thus leading to consistent scientific results, cultivating collaboration between scientists and accelerating scientific output.
The following dependencies exist for ALL sites where execution is to take place.
Supported operating systems include Linux distributions, however Hermes has only been tested in Ubuntu Linux 14.04 and 16.04
Please ensure that the latest version of docker is installed on all sites you plan to execute on and that your user is in the list of users that can access the docker daemon. To install docker visit: In case your user on site is unable to access the Docker daemon, have a system administrator execute the following command: sudo usermod -aG docker <user_name>
SSH server must be up and running on all sites you plan to execute on and password-less access via SSH keys must be enabled. All sites must be accessible through the same SSH key which must NOT be protected by a password (passphrase). To setup password-less SSH access follow this guide: You should be able to connect to the localhost and all other provided sites passwordless. To test accessing the local site, run the command ssh <user_name>@localhost. You should be able to connect without any password prompt.
You must also install Java Oracle version 8 on all sites.
Videos for configuring/setting up Hermes along with instructions on how to create your own workflows can be found here:
Configuring Hermes is easy and straightforward. Open the configuration.config file in the root hermes projectfolder, the only parameter that you need to edit is the pathToSSHKEy.
- Provide a value to the pathToSSHKEy parameter
Here you must provide the path to the SSH Private key that will be used to connect to the local as well as all remote sites. You must configure all sites, including the one running on the same machine that Hermes is running, to be accessible through this SSH key. Please read the warning regarding the SSH key within the configuration file. All other options do not need to be edited from their default values unless you are experiencing issues.
Please note, if external sites (other than local) are utilized, the SSH port 22 must be open and the SSH server listening, on the machine here Hermes is running.
Navigate within the /Sites/ folder located in the root hermes project folder. You can add execution sites by placing .site files within this folder. The default, file already exists for your reference. Within the .site file state a name for the site, for the hostname (IP address) of the site, please provide the global external IP address, or you can provide localhost in case the site is the one Hermes is running on.
- provide a value for name
- provide a value for username
- provide a value for ipAddress (or hostname), or localhost if local
You must also provide the ssh listening port on the site (default value is 22).
You can add as many sites as you wish by creating *.site files within this folder and hermes will automatically utilize them and load balance the work between them. You do not need to have a local site, you can utilize remote sites exclusively if you wish.
However, when utilizing remote sites:
- make sure that the SSH port on the site where Hermes is running is OPEN and reachable from the outside world. You might need to set up port forwarding in order to achieve that.
To execute the pangenome analysis sample workflow you must navigate via a terminal within the hermes project root folder and execute the command
- java -jar ./Hermes/dist/Hermes.jar
Hermes automatically runs the pangenome analysis sample workflow when no command line arguments are provided. The results of the workflow can be found in a folder in your home folder named hermes_workflow_results followed by the current date.
In case you want to run a different workflow, the first provided argument is the path to the .graphml workflow description file, while the second argument is the path to the workflow inputs folder. Both paths are ABSOLUTE paths and do not include any bash supported characters like ~ or .
For example, in order to run the also provided phylogenetic profiles workflow, the command would be:
- java -jar ./Hermes/dist/Hermes.jar pathToWorkflowFile pathToInputsFolder
The paths must be absolute, not relative. A sample command would be
- java -jar ./Hermes/dist/Hermes.jar /home/user/hermes/WorkflowGraphs/phylogenetic_profiles.graphml /home/user/hermes/WorkflowSampleInputs/SmallSampleInput/
This command will run the phylogenetic profiles workflow (assuming that the paths are valid for your file system) by using the provided SmallSampleInput dataset.
In case you want to run a larger analysis, you can use the input dataset located in the WorkflowSampleInputs/ExtendedSampleInput folder.
Hermes is a distributed computing platform and as such network and authentication errors may sometimes impede optimal execution. Common errors include:
- While an image is being pulled from dockerhub, the connection is reset. In this case you need to cancel (ctrl-c) and re-run the workflow.
- Sometimes the autodetect ip module might fail due to a network error, cancel (ctrl-c) and re-run the workflow
- As the test workflows are cpu-intensive, when both the Hermes master and worker container are executed on a site with very limited resources (less than 2 cores) the workflow may stall, although this is rare. In that case please restart and re-run. No step should take a significant amount of time (more than a few minutes) while at the same time cpu usage must be high.
The code and datasets in order to run the Hermes Use Cases against the Swift Parallel Scripting Language and perform a comparison can be found here: