This Xcode theme is inspired from Simon Wallner 'RailsCast' Xcode Theme. However, I did some changes to original Railscasts inspired theme based on my personal IntelliJ IDEA color settings: Colors were chosen to be relaxing and consistent. In the end, the eye strain is less and the theme provides a good focus on code.
- Clone the repository: git clone git@github.com:akinsella/xcode-railscasts-theme.git
- Copy the file: RailsCast_Inspired.dvtcolortheme to the following directory: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes
- Select the theme: RailsCast_Inspired in Xcode IDE preferences (cmd+,)
#Questions & contacts
Link to the official web site: http://xcode-railscasts-theme.helyx.org
If you have question, you can mail me: firstname(dot)lastname(at)gmail(dot)com ( Yes, you have to replace firstname and lastname ! )
Twitter: @alexiskinsella Blog: http://blog.helyx.org Company blog: http://blog.xebia.fr