Won first prize among 917 other competing teams (₹50000 awarded).
- Data-Images: Contains the images of the cars, number plates and annotations in .txt files.
- Data.ipynb: A notebook demonstrating the process of preparing the .csv files for creating TFRecords.
- Indian_Number_plates.json: Configuration file which contains image download paths and annotations.
- test.record & train.record: TFRecords files of testing and training sets respectively.
- test_labels.csv & train_labels.csv: .csv files as required by the generate_tfrecord.py script.
- exported_graph: Contains the inference graph in .pb and .tflite formats which can be used to run inference.
- label_map.pbtxt: Contains the encodings of the dataset classes which,in this case, is license_plate.
- ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config: Training and evaluation pipeline configuration file as needed by TensorFlow Object Detection API.
- object_detection: A folder from Tensorflow objection detection API which is required in the same directory as that of the generate_tfrecord.py.