A dark theme for mattermost, uses colors from oceanic next.
- Click on the upper left corner tripple dot menu button
- Go to
Account Settings > Display
(Account Settings > Appearance
for older versions) - Select
thenCustom Theme
(justCustom Theme
for older versions) - Paste this into the box labeled
Copy and paste to share theme colors
and clickSave
For mattermost v4 (tested on 4.1)
{ "sidebarBg":"#1c2124", "sidebarText":"#c0c5ce", "sidebarUnreadText":"#dfe1e8", "sidebarTextHoverBg":"#4a5664",
"sidebarTextActiveBorder":"#99c794", "sidebarTextActiveColor":"#dfe1e8", "sidebarHeaderBg":"#1c2124",
"sidebarHeaderTextColor":"#c0c5ce", "onlineIndicator":"#99c794", "awayIndicator":"#fac863", "mentionBj":"#dfe1e8",
"mentionColor":"#1b2b34", "centerChannelBg":"#1b2b34", "centerChannelColor":"#cdd3de", "newMessageSeparator":"#5de5da",
"linkColor":"#99c794", "buttonColor":"#dfe1e8", "buttonBg":"#1a4666", "mentionHighlightBg":"#4a5664",
"mentionHighlightLink":"#99c794", "codeTheme":"solarized-dark" }
For mattermost v2 (tested on 2.1 and 2.2)
For older versions of mattermost (tested on 1.4)