End to End OTP Pipeline Project using Docker, Airflow, Kafka, KafkaUI, Cassandra, MongoDB, EmailOperator, SlackWebhookOperator and DiscordWebhookOperator
Project contains 3 Kafka brokers, UI for Apache Kafka, Zookeeper, Cassandra, Mongo, Mongo-Express, airflow-init, postgres, airflow-webserver, airflow-scheduler, airflow-triggerer, airflow-cli containers.
The Pipeline performs
- creating a kafka topic named email_topic with 3 partitions, write an email address at a time triggered by user.
- creating cassandra keyspace and table named email_namespace and email_table and consuming kafka topic messages into cassandra.
- creating mongodb database and collection named email_database and email_collection and consuming topic messages into mongodb.
- checking existence of the email and otp code in these two databases and pushing email notifications, slack channel messages and discord messages simultaneously.
- Go to the Security tab and select Manage how I sign in to Microsoft.
- Create a new app password as instructed.
- For detailed guidance, refer to the Microsoft support article.
Setting up receiver emails using using MailSlurp.
- Sign up for a free account.
- From inboxes section create several temporary email addresses.
- In the emails section find and copy the email addresses into email_list.txt file in your project directory before running.
- Go to your apps section of Slack api website.
- Create an app from scratch.
- Assign the app to your workspace.
- After creating your app, go to incoming webhooks section from dropdown menu and toggle Activate Incoming Webhooks.
- Go to bottom of the page and add new webhook to workspace, assign it to data-engineering channel.
- In the Webhook URL section, you can copy your information, that will be used in airflow connection setup.
- Go to Discord Web or Desktop Application.
- Create a server at the bottom of the lef pane of servers, for create my own, for me and for my friends, name it whatever you want.
- Forward to Server Settings, Go to Apps/Integrations/Webhooks, Create Webhook. That will create a default webhook. Copy Webhook URL, and store it for airflow connection setup.
$ ./docker_run.sh
This will create required uid variable, network named cassandra-kafka and initialize the postgres database that holds the airflow metadata, download the container images and finally start the project containers which will be orchestrated by airflow.
: http://localhost:8080/
Username: admin
Password: admin
Kafka UI
: http://localhost:8888/
Mongo Express
: http://localhost:8082
Username: admin
Password: pass
Access the cassandra shell using :
$ docker exec -it cassandra cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
- Use Webhook URL obtained from slack app and add a new record.
Connection Id * : slack_webhook
Connection Type * : Slack Incoming Webhook
Slack Webhook Endpoint : hooks.slack.com/services
Webhook Token : T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (found in the webhook url, usually starts with "T")
- Use Copied Webhook URL from Discord and add a new record.
Connection Id * : discord_webhook
Connection Type * : Discord
Host : https://discord.com/api/
Webhook Endpoint : webhooks/{webhook.id}/{webhook.token} (found in the webhook url)
Once you triggered the dag you can track created kafka messages from kafkaui, data inserted into cassandra table using cassandra shell (cqlsh) and inserted documents into mongodb from mongo-express-ui
Feel free to visit for extensive explanation of project in my Medium post