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Creating a Dandere2x Release

Tyler edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 1 revision

These are the steps I take to make a dandere2x build, start to end.

The guide is a bit bare-bones, favored more towards the programming experienced. PM me on reddit if you need help.


  • python, pip, venv
  • cygwin
  • Some dandere2x version


Today I'll be compiling Beta Version 1.6, which may or may not fix some of the bugs associated with log.txt.

Step 0: Creating The Build Folder

I generally create a seperated build folder dedicated for dandere2x building, to keep it clean.

Image: A clean folder

Step 1: Setting up the VENV

I run the following commands (these may change for you) to create the venv.

cd C:\Users\windwoz\Desktop\dandere2x_build_folder
python -m venv venv

Image: a venv that's been setup.

Step 2: Installing pyinstaller and requirements.

I copy the /src/ folder in master into this new folder.

Then I install the dandere2x requirements by typing

pip install -r .\src\requirements.txt

And then installing pyinstaller

pip install pyinstaller

Step 3: Creating

The command I use is

pyinstaller -F .\src\

Which will produce gui_driver.exe in .\dist\gui_driver.exe

Step 4: Compiling dandere2x_cpp.exe

Although any cmake compiler will work, I get dandere2x_cpp.exe straight from the cmake-build-debug folder, when compiled from clion.

Step 5: Drafting the Actual Release

I create a folder called 'release' where I put the actual files needed. I start by going to an older dandere2x release, and copying the 'externals' folder over

I then replace the 'dandere2x_cpp.exe' with the file already existing in the 'externals' folder.

I then copy over the 'yaml file' and the 'workspace' folder, although I generally only include one video in the 'workspace'

Our dandere2x release should be good to go now!

(side note, for this release I had to manually create \workspace\log_folder, since that's what I'm testing to see if it'll fix the log issue for people [ as of 1.6 ] )