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Timeout build after 1 hour to prevent it hanging forever.
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ajsutton committed Jun 14, 2019
1 parent 1d4946c commit a40f29b
Showing 1 changed file with 173 additions and 171 deletions.
344 changes: 173 additions & 171 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,209 +49,211 @@ if (env.BRANCH_NAME != "master") {

try {
parallel UnitTests: {
def stage_name = "Unit tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(build_image).inside("--link ${}:docker") {
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Prepare') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble'
stage(stage_name + 'Unit tests') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel build'
} finally {
archiveArtifacts '**/build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts '**/build/test-results/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/distributions/**'
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
parallel UnitTests: {
def stage_name = "Unit tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(build_image).inside("--link ${}:docker") {
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Prepare') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble'
stage(stage_name + 'Unit tests') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel build'
} finally {
archiveArtifacts '**/build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts '**/build/test-results/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/distributions/**'

stash allowEmpty: true, includes: 'build/distributions/pantheon-*.tar.gz', name: 'distTarBall'
stash allowEmpty: true, includes: 'build/distributions/pantheon-*.tar.gz', name: 'distTarBall'

junit '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
junit '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
}, ReferenceTests: {
def stage_name = "Reference tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(build_image).inside("--link ${}:docker") {
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Prepare') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble'
stage(stage_name + 'Reference tests') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel referenceTest'
} finally {
archiveArtifacts '**/build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts '**/build/test-results/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/distributions/**'
}, ReferenceTests: {
def stage_name = "Reference tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(build_image).inside("--link ${}:docker") {
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Prepare') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble'
stage(stage_name + 'Reference tests') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel referenceTest'
} finally {
archiveArtifacts '**/build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts '**/build/test-results/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/distributions/**'

junit '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
junit '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
}, IntegrationTests: {
def stage_name = "Integration tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(build_image).inside("--link ${}:docker") {
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Prepare') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble'
stage(stage_name + 'Integration Tests') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel integrationTest'
stage(stage_name + 'Check Licenses') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel checkLicenses'
stage(stage_name + 'Check javadoc') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel javadoc'
stage(stage_name + 'Compile Benchmarks') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel compileJmh'
} finally {
archiveArtifacts '**/build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts '**/build/test-results/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/distributions/**'
}, IntegrationTests: {
def stage_name = "Integration tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(build_image).inside("--link ${}:docker") {
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Prepare') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble'
stage(stage_name + 'Integration Tests') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel integrationTest'
stage(stage_name + 'Check Licenses') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel checkLicenses'
stage(stage_name + 'Check javadoc') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel javadoc'
stage(stage_name + 'Compile Benchmarks') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel compileJmh'
} finally {
archiveArtifacts '**/build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts '**/build/test-results/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/distributions/**'

junit '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
junit '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
}, AcceptanceTests: {
def stage_name = "Acceptance tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(build_image).inside("--link ${}:docker") {
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Prepare') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble'
stage(stage_name + 'Acceptance Tests') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel acceptanceTest'
} finally {
archiveArtifacts '**/build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts '**/build/test-results/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/distributions/**'
}, AcceptanceTests: {
def stage_name = "Acceptance tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(build_image).inside("--link ${}:docker") {
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Prepare') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble'
stage(stage_name + 'Acceptance Tests') {
sh './gradlew --no-daemon --parallel acceptanceTest'
} finally {
archiveArtifacts '**/build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts '**/build/test-results/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/reports/**'
archiveArtifacts 'build/distributions/**'

junit '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
junit '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
}, DocTests: {
def stage_name = "Documentation tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
stage(stage_name + 'Build') {
}, DocTests: {
def stage_name = "Documentation tests node: "
node {
checkout scm
stage(stage_name + 'Build') {
// Python image version should be set to the same as in readthedocs.yml
// to make sure we test with the same version that RTD will use
def container = docker.image("python:3.7-alpine").inside() {
try {
sh 'pip install -r docs/requirements.txt'
sh 'mkdocs build -s'
} catch(e) {
throw e
def container = docker.image("python:3.7-alpine").inside() {
try {
sh 'pip install -r docs/requirements.txt'
sh 'mkdocs build -s'
} catch (e) {
throw e

if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
def registry = ''
def userAccount = 'dockerhub-pegasysengci'
def imageRepos = 'pegasyseng'
def imageTag = 'develop'
parallel KubernetesDockerImage: {
def stage_name = 'Kubernetes Docker image node: '
def image = imageRepos + '/pantheon-kubernetes:' + imageTag
def kubernetes_folder = 'kubernetes'
def kubernetes_image_build_script = kubernetes_folder + '/'
def version_property_file = ''
def reports_folder = kubernetes_folder + '/reports'
def dockerfile = kubernetes_folder + '/Dockerfile'
node {
checkout scm
unstash 'distTarBall'
docker.image(build_image).inside() {
stage(stage_name + 'Dockerfile lint') {
sh "docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < ${dockerfile}"
stage(stage_name + 'Build image') {
sh "${kubernetes_image_build_script} '${image}'"
stage(stage_name + "Test image labels") {
shortCommit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%h'").trim()
version = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "grep -oE \"version=(.*)\" ${version_property_file} | cut -d= -f2").trim()
sh "docker image inspect \
--format='{{index .Config.Labels \"org.label-schema.vcs-ref\"}}' \
${image} \
| grep ${shortCommit}"
sh "docker image inspect \
--format='{{index .Config.Labels \"org.label-schema.version\"}}' \
${image} \
| grep ${version}"
try {
stage(stage_name + 'Test image') {
sh "mkdir -p ${reports_folder}"
sh "cd ${kubernetes_folder} && bash ${image}"
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
def registry = ''
def userAccount = 'dockerhub-pegasysengci'
def imageRepos = 'pegasyseng'
def imageTag = 'develop'
parallel KubernetesDockerImage: {
def stage_name = 'Kubernetes Docker image node: '
def image = imageRepos + '/pantheon-kubernetes:' + imageTag
def kubernetes_folder = 'kubernetes'
def kubernetes_image_build_script = kubernetes_folder + '/'
def version_property_file = ''
def reports_folder = kubernetes_folder + '/reports'
def dockerfile = kubernetes_folder + '/Dockerfile'
node {
checkout scm
unstash 'distTarBall'
docker.image(build_image).inside() {
stage(stage_name + 'Dockerfile lint') {
sh "docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < ${dockerfile}"
} finally {
junit "${reports_folder}/*.xml"
sh "rm -rf ${reports_folder}"
stage(stage_name + 'Push image') {
docker.withRegistry(registry, userAccount) {
stage(stage_name + 'Build image') {
sh "${kubernetes_image_build_script} '${image}'"
DockerImage: {
def stage_name = 'Docker image node: '
def image = imageRepos + '/pantheon:' + imageTag
node {
checkout scm
unstash 'distTarBall'
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(docker_image).inside("-e DOCKER_HOST=tcp://docker:2375 --link ${}:docker") {
stage(stage_name + 'build image') {
sh "cd docker && cp ../build/distributions/pantheon-*.tar.gz ."
pantheon =, "docker")
stage(stage_name + "Test image labels") {
shortCommit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%h'").trim()
version = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "grep -oE \"version=(.*)\" ${version_property_file} | cut -d= -f2").trim()
sh "docker image inspect \
--format='{{index .Config.Labels \"org.label-schema.vcs-ref\"}}' \
${image} \
| grep ${shortCommit}"
sh "docker image inspect \
--format='{{index .Config.Labels \"org.label-schema.version\"}}' \
${image} \
| grep ${version}"
try {
stage('test image') {
sh "apk add bash"
sh "mkdir -p docker/reports"
sh "cd docker && bash ${image}"
stage(stage_name + 'Test image') {
sh "mkdir -p ${reports_folder}"
sh "cd ${kubernetes_folder} && bash ${image}"
} finally {
junit 'docker/reports/*.xml'
sh "rm -rf docker/reports"
junit "${reports_folder}/*.xml"
sh "rm -rf ${reports_folder}"
stage(stage_name + 'push image') {
stage(stage_name + 'Push image') {
docker.withRegistry(registry, userAccount) {
DockerImage: {
def stage_name = 'Docker image node: '
def image = imageRepos + '/pantheon:' + imageTag
node {
checkout scm
unstash 'distTarBall'
docker.image(docker_image_dind).withRun('--privileged') { d ->
docker.image(docker_image).inside("-e DOCKER_HOST=tcp://docker:2375 --link ${}:docker") {
stage(stage_name + 'build image') {
sh "cd docker && cp ../build/distributions/pantheon-*.tar.gz ."
pantheon =, "docker")
try {
stage('test image') {
sh "apk add bash"
sh "mkdir -p docker/reports"
sh "cd docker && bash ${image}"
} finally {
junit 'docker/reports/*.xml'
sh "rm -rf docker/reports"
stage(stage_name + 'push image') {
docker.withRegistry(registry, userAccount) {
Expand Down

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