This github repository consist of 4 microservices:
eureka-server: A microservice registry server. All other microservices will register with this server and can used to get information about other microservices.
Important Annotation(s):
@EnableEurekaServer # Eureka server is client as well so prevent registering with itself eureka.client.register-with-eureka=false # Default Eureka server port server.port=8761
employee-eureka-client: A small microservice with single endpoint . It will register itself with eureka-server.
Important Annotation(s):
@EnableEurekaClient # Just a number. If you are deploying multiple instance of this service # you can change the number. This will reflect in endpoint response number=1 # Tomcat port server.port=3333
person-eureka-client: It is same as employee-eureka-client but the endpoint will return a different text. Also it has a additional endpoint that make a call to employee-eureka-client using RestTemplate instead of hardcoding the url like this:
restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:3333/", String.class);
we change to this:
restTemplate.getForObject("http://employee-service/", String.class);
In this case
is equivalent tolocalhost:3333
, This information is fetch from Eureka-server and will be stored in cache for further use. if there are muliple employee-eureka-client microservice running then the http call will be load balanced automactically using netflix ribbon.Important Annotation(s) :
,@LoadBalanced # Just a number. If you are deploying multiple instance of this service # you can change the number. This will reflect in endpoint response number=1 # Tomcat port server.port=4444
zuul-gateway: It is used as a gateway server which forwards the request to respective microservices along with load balancing. It also register with eureka and uses it to get information about other microservices
Important Annotation(s):
,@EnableDiscoveryClient #routes to employee service app zuul.routes.employee.service-id=employee-service #routes to person service app zuul.routes.person.service-id=person-service
Take a look at last two property in the properties file.
The XXXX will be the route url and YYYY will be the text. Consider example:
If any hit came with URL http://localhost:8080/person then it will be forward to person-service's root url . If there are multiple person-service running then it will be load balanced using ribbon . Below is the screenshot. I just changed the
in of other person-service for identification