rog is no longer maintained. Please check out eng for an updated roguelike library.
rog depends on You can skip this step if you already have that up and running.
- Ubuntu: apt-get install libglfw-dev
- OSX: brew install glfw
- Windows: download the glfw binaries, then drop the GL directory into C:\MinGW\include and the files for your arch under libmingw into C:\MinGW\lib. You will then need to install glfw.dll system wide or have it in the directory with your game.
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
rog.Open(20, 11, 2, false, "rog", nil)
for rog.Running() {
rog.Set(5, 5, nil, nil, "Hello, 世界!")
if rog.Key() == rog.Esc {