This library facilitates automated, commission-free stock trading from Python using Robinhood's API.
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial library and is not affiliated with Robinhood Markets Inc. For more information, read notice at bottom of
Current Features:
- Get stock quote
- Place market buy / sell orders
- Place limit buy / sell orders
- Cancel an open order
- View order details or status
- Retrieve a list of historical orders
- View current user information
To install:
pip install robinhood
Inspired by Rohonpai's Robinhood framework (, benkroop/robinhood fixes bugs while adding new features and additional documentation.
Place market order for 3 shares of RJET at best market price:
>>> r = Robinhood(username, password)
>>> r.place_buy_order("RJET", 3)
Get a quote for AAPL
>>> r.quote_price('AAPL')
Place limit order for 1 share of CSCO at a limit of $28.42 per share
>>> r.place_buy_order("CSCO", 1, "limit", 28.42)
Cancel an order
>>> r.cancel_order("52ad96db-4c01-29c8-9951-a31f883853b5")
<Response [200]>
Get order status
>>> r.order_status("52ad96db-4c01-29c8-9951-a31f883853b5")
Get most recent order
>>> r.list_orders()[0]
Get details of most recent order
>>> order_ID = r.list_orders()[0]
>>> order = r.order_details(order_ID)
{u'cumulative_quantity': u'0.00000', u'last_transaction_at': u'2015-09-07T07:12:03.726590Z', u'account': u'', u'stop_price': None, u'reject_reason': None, u'state': u'cancelled', u'url': u'', u'created_at': u'2015-09-07T07:12:03.726590Z', u'updated_at': u'2015-09-07T07:12:03.743988Z', u'executions': [], u'price': u'3.25000000', u'instrument': u'', u'time_in_force': u'gfd', u'trigger': u'immediate', u'fees': u'0.00', u'cancel': None, u'position': u'', u'quantity': u'3.00000', u'type': u'market', u'average_price': None, u'side': u'buy'}
Print selected user info
>>> print "Your address is: %s, %s, %s %s" % (r.address,, r.state_residence, r.zipcode)
Your address is: 1000 Olin Way, Needham, MA 024921200
To use, first edit auth.txt to include your username and password, each on their own line. You can then uncomment any commands you want to run.
NOTICE: Neither the author nor this library are in any way afilliated with Robinhood Markets Inc. Use of this library is at your own risk. The author makes no warranties express or implied as to the completeness, accuracy or reliability of this library or the Robinhood API. Under no circumstances shall the author be held liable to you for any reliance on functionality of or information obtained through the libary.