A load balancing reverse proxy server with an API. Supports adding/removing backends on-the-fly without restarts.
Download from releases and unzip
Edit proxy.yml
port: 8000 # proxy listen port
backends: # List of hosts to forward requests to (in round-robin)
maxRequestTime: 30000 # -1 to disable
ioThread: 4
backlog: 1000
rewriteHostHeader: false
reuseXForwarded: true
connectionsPerThread: 20
workerThreads: 16 # default: Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()*8
workerTaskMaxThreads : 16 # default: workerThreads
sslPort: 8443
keystore: /path/to/keystore.jks
keystorePassword: secret
# Users for accesing the API
admin: secretPassword
All requests incoming on port 8000 will be forwarded to one of the backends.
Backflow has a HTTP based API to add/remove backends. Changes are applied dynamically without restarting the server.
curl -uadmin:secretPassword http://localhost:8000/lb -XPOST -d 'http://new.backend.example.com'
curl -uadmin:secretPassword http://localhost:8000/lb -XDELETE -d 'http://some.backend.example.com'
curl -uadmin:secretPassword http://localhost:8000/lb
./gradlew distZip
./gradlew distTar
Apache 2.0