- 🔭 Currently working as a React.js Developer at Vetron IT Services.
- 🌱 Expanding my front-end skills into full-stack by learning Angular, Express, and Node.js.
- 👯 Open to collaborating on open-source projects or tackling interesting front-end challenges.
- 📫 Contact me at Email or connect on LinkedIn.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love discovering ways to enhance user interfaces and exploring new tech trends!
An AI-powered video editing SaaS platform with a user-friendly interface. Built with React.js, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase.
An e-commerce platform for vintage fashion, featuring real-time updates, product carousels, and dark mode. Built with React.js and Redux.
A sleek, modern website showcasing elegant UI/UX principles with interactive animations, responsive design, and dark/light mode functionality. Built with React.js, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion.
- Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate – Coursera (July 2024)
Gained advanced knowledge in React.js, responsive design, and front-end best practices.
Feel free to explore my repositories and connect with me. Let’s collaborate and build amazing projects together! 🚀