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🚧 Work in Progress!

NOTE : This is not a general purpose HTML/CSS renderer, only the specified tags/properties below are targeted

Implementation of Rich Text Rendering for ImGui (ASCII text only) akin to Qt support for it. Use it as follows:

// Do not cache anything
std::string rtf = "<blink>This is blinking</blink>"
    "<marquee>This is moving...</marquee>"
    "<meter value='3' max='10'></meter>"
    "<s><q>Quotation </q><cite>Citation</cite></s>"
    "<br>Powered by: <a href='https://'>ImRichText</a>"
    "<ul style='font-size: 36px;'><li>item</li><li>item</li></ul>";

// Create rich text with cacehable drawables
auto id = ImRichText::CreateRichText("2<sup>2</sup> equals 4  <hr style=\"height: 4px; color: sienna;\"/>"
    "<p style=\"color: rgb(150, 0, 0);\">Paragraph <b>bold <i>italics</i> bold2 </b></p>"
    "<h1 style=\"color: darkblue;\">Heading&Tab;</h1>"
    "<span style='background: teal; color: white;'>White on Teal</span><br/>"
    "<mark>This is highlighted! <small>This is small...</small></mark>");

auto config = ImRichText::GetDefaultConfig({ -1.f, -1.f }, 24.f, 1.5f);
config->Scale = 2.f;
config->ListItemBullet = ImRichText::BulletType::Arrow;

while (<event-loop>)
    if (ImGui::Begin(...))
        // ... other widgets
        ImRichText::GetCurrentConfig()->DefaultBgColor = ImColor{ 255, 255, 255 };
        ImRichText::Show(, + rtf.size());

        ImRichText::GetCurrentConfig()->DefaultBgColor = ImColor{ 200, 200, 200 };
        // ... other widgets

Basic screenshot

How to use it?

Just include the .h and .cpp files in your project. (You will need a C++17 compiler)

What is supported?

The following subset of HTML tags/CSS properties are supported:

Tags Description Implementation Status
span A region of text with certain style properties Yes
p Start a paragraph in new line (paragraph indent can be specified in RenderConfig::ParagraphStop) Yes
font Specify size, family, weight, style for a block of text Yes
sup/sub Superscript/Subscript Yes1
hr Horizontal line Yes
h1...h6 Header (bold) text with a line underneath Yes
ul Un-numbered list (with bullets) Yes
ol Numbered list (with nested numberings i.e. 1.2.3) Yes
li List Item Yes
br Line Break Yes
b/strong Bold block of text Yes
i/em/cite Italics block of text Yes
mark Highlight current block of text Yes
small Reduce font size to 80% of current block Yes
q Wrap text inside quotation mark Yes
u Underline current block of text Yes2
a Make current block of text a hyperlink (handle click events) Yes3
abbr Mark current block as an abbreviation, title attribute contains tooltip Yes
s/del Draw a horizontal line through the text content Yes
blink Make current block of text blink Yes
marquee Make current block of text scroll horizontally Yes
meter Create a progress bar inline Yes
blockquote Blockquote as in HTML Under progress
pre Preformatted text with monospaced font Under progress
code Use monospace font for this block of text Under progress

General Style Properties

Property Name(s) Value/Example
background/background-color/color rgb(r, g, b)/rgba(r, g, b, a)/hsl(h, s, l)/linear-gradient(color-stops)4 CSS color name
padding/padding-top/etc. px/em units
font-size pt/px/em (absolute) / % (of parent font size) / xx-small, x-small, medium, large, etc.
font-family name of font family
font-weight value between 0-800 or light/normal/bold
font-style italics/oblique
height/width px/em
list-style-type (Only for list items) circle/disk/square/custom5
border/border-top/etc. 2px solid gray6
border-radius px/em
text-overflow Under progress

In order to handle rich text as specified above, fonts need to be managed i.e. different family, weights, sizes, etc. The library internally uses default fonts (for Windows Segoe UI family for proportional and Consolas for monospace). However, user can provide their own font provider through RenderConfig::GetFont function pointer.

Immediate Goals

  • Word wrapping support
  • Maybe add <center> and <font> tags? (These are deprecated in HTML5)
  • Add support for margin
  • Add support for line style (solid, dotted, dashed) for border
  • Implement support for vertical/horizontal text alignment including baseline alignment (May need to use FreeType backend)
  • Integration example with Clay layout library
  • Roman numerals for numbered lists
  • Radial gradient fills for backgrounds
  • Tables (<table>, <tr>, <th>, <td> tags)

Future Goals

  • Use a library (roll your own?) to lookup font(s) based on requirements i.e. fuzzy match on family, etc.
  • Internationalization support by integrating Harfbuzz (Unicode Bidir algo)
  • Add ways to remove C++ standard library dependencies
  • Text effects like "glow", "shadow", etc.


  • Build scripts like cmake, build2, make, etc. This library is intended to be used by simply copying the .h/.cpp files.
  • Full-fledged support for CSS3 styling with layout
  • Support alternate syntax i.e. Markdown, Restructured Text, MathML, etc.

Build Dependencies

The library depends on ImGui and C++17 standard library. It can be compiled using any C++17 compiler.

Build Macros

In order to customize certain behavior at build-time, the following macros can be used

Macro name Functionality Default Value
IM_RICHTEXT_MAXDEPTH Maximum depth of nested blocks/tags in Rich Text 32
IM_RICHTEXT_MAX_LISTDEPTH Maximum depth of nested lists 16
IM_RICHTEXT_MAX_LISTITEM Maxmimum number of list items at a specific depth 128
IM_RICHTEXT_MAXTABSTOP Maxmimum number of nested <p>/paragraphs 32
IM_RICHTEXT_ENABLE_PARSER_LOGS Enable printing parsing + layout logs in console in debug builds Not defined
IM_RICHTEXT_BLINK_ANIMATION_INTERVAL Specify blink animation interval 500ms
IM_RICHTEXT_MARQUEE_ANIMATION_INTERVAL Specify interval (1/FPS) for marquee animation 18ms
IM_RICHTEXT_MAX_COLORSTOPS Specify maximum color stops in gradients 8

Error Reporting

When _DEBUG macro is defined, if a console is present, error messages will be printed along with the parsing state i.e. entering/exiting tags. Custom properties or unknonw tags are ignored, but reported.


Since it is work in progress, no contributions are accepted at the moment. Once I stabilize and create a release, contributions will be accepted! In the meantime, feel free to browse the source...

About the Implementation

The current implementation intentionally forgoes the creation of any form of AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) or a well-defined phase of tokenization for lexical analysis. In order to keep the codebase simple and not ending up creating a HTML/CSS engine, the scope the arbitrarily cutdown. The algorithm simply breaks down the rich text specified into lines, and each line into segments. Each segment is defined as multiple blocks of text containing the same style i.e. background/foreground/font properties, etc. A "block of text" is simply a run of glyphs without any "space"/"blank" characters in between. Once rich text is broken down to lines, it is rendered in two phases i.e. first the background is drawn i.e. blockquote background can span multiple lines. After that, the foreground i.e. text is drawn (with background/foreground colors).


  1. Nested subscript/superscript is untested at the moment

  2. Underline text due to <u> tag is not baseline-underlined, but underlined beneath the whole text

  3. Set RenderConfig::HandleHyperlink function pointer to handle hyperlinks clicked

  4. Only axis aligned gradients are support as background property

  5. Custom bullets are also possible, set RenderConfig::DrawBullet function pointer and list-style-type property to custom

  6. Border line type is parsed but not used for rendering


Implementation of Rich Text Rendering in ImGui







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