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ajantis edited this page Dec 18, 2012 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the vPerfGenerator wiki!

vPerfGenerator is a set of tools that allows complex benchmarking of virtualized and physical systems or environments. Modern performance testing tools can be classified as follows:

  • Real-world testing: testing using real applications and real workload (that means testing is run on production systems). This is best option for performance testing, but it is too idealistic. Also we have to evaluate performance before we comission production system (that is called capacity planning).
  • Simulated workload - synthetic workload which is simulates real workload as closely as possible (i.e. HP LoadRunner, Sun FileBench)
  • Microbenchmarks - synthetic test which is intended to test single subsystem (like disk, cpu) in very simple manner. Classical example of microbenchmark utility is Unix dd which sequentally writes data to disk/on filesystem.

vPerfGenerator mixes all of this approaches:

  1. Information on performance is taken from production systems and represented as set of time series of requests
  2. Based on these time series, vPerfGenerator creates workload on real applications (like PostgreSQL or some system) or simulates it using micro-benchmarks depending on what data was collected on first step
  3. vPerfGenerator creates set of monitoring reports that can be used for further performance analysis

Technical details

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