Name: Adi J
This repository contains the Course Project files for the Getting and Cleaning Data course. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the user's ability to collect, work with, and clean a data set. The goal is to prepare tidy data that can be used for later analysis.
The repository contains the following files -
- - This markdown file explains how all of the scripts work and how they are connected.
- - This markdown file describes the variables, the data, and any transformations or work that you performed to clean up the data.
- run_analysis.R - R script for performing the data cleanup and analysis.
The script used for performing the data cleanup and the analysis. The script reads the 'UCI HAR Dataset' from the working directory. The script merges the training data and the test data. The script then extracts a subset of the variables from the data set and summarizes the values for each subject and for each activity. The script finally creates a folder 'Results' in the the 'UCI HAR Dataset' and writes the deliverable tidy data set into the results folder.
The script file and the Code Book have been uploaded to the github repository. The tidy data file has been uploaded to the Coursera website.
For more information about the data transformations performed and the descriptions of the fields in the data set please check the file.