A numerical simulator for modelling coupled THM processes in faulted geothermal reservoirs based on MOOSE.
GOLEM is a numerical simulator for modelling coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical processes in faulted geothermal reservoirs.
The simulator is developed by Antoine Jacquey and Mauro Cacace
at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences from the section Basin Modelling.
GOLEM is a MOOSE-based application. Visit the MOOSE framework page for more information.
This repository contains input files for the GOLEM simulator. A detailed descriptions of the problem settings can be found on the related publication:
Cacace, M. and Jacquey, A. B.: Flexible parallel implicit modelling of coupled thermal–hydraulic–mechanical processes in fractured rocks, Solid Earth, 8, 921-941, https://doi.org/10.5194/se-8-921-2017, 2017.