build you own select usually like React Native
just see src/UniSelect/index.test.ts
You can use it to create a Platform.Select util like ReactNative
import createSelector from '@aizigao/uni-select';
// image below val is always Truely
const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
const PlatformO = createSelector({
ios: true,
android: false,
const Platform = { ...PlatformO, OS: PlatformO.current };{
ios: "I'm IOS",
}); // Return "I'm IOS"
Platform.OS; // ios
extends original React Native's Platform
for more possible
detect more android special manufacturer
detect iphoneX
import createSelector from '@aizigao/uni-select';
import { Platform as PlatformRN } from 'react-native';
// TIP: You need set conditions by youself
const androidXiaomi = false;
const androidSamsung = true;
const isIphoneX = false; // detect it can use [react-native-iphone-x-helper](
const PlatformO = createSelector({
iosGeneral: PlatformRN.OS === 'ios' && !isIphoneX,
iosIphoneX: PlatformRN.OS === 'ios' && isIphoneX,
androidSamsung: PlatformRN.OS === 'android' && androidSamsung,
androidXiaomi: PlatformRN.OS === 'android' && androidXiaomi,
PlatformRN.OS === 'android' && !androidSamsung && !androidXiaomi,
// use OS instead of current property
const Platform = { ...PlatformO, OS: PlatformO.current };
const spMsgForPlatfrom ={
androidSamsung: "I'm smasung devices",
androidXiaomi: "I'm Xiaomi devices",
}); //"I'm smasung devices"
const currentVerson = Platform.OS; // androidSamsung
const currentVersonSame = Platform.current; // androidSamsung
other test cases
import createSelector from '@aizigao/uni-select';
test('normal', () => {
const selector = createSelector({
isIOS: true,
isAndroid: false,
const rst ={
isIOS: "I'm use safari browser now",
isAndroid: "I'm use android browser now",
expect(rst).toEqual("I'm use safari browser now");
test("can't has multi match value", () => {
expect(() => {
isIOS: true,
isAndroid: true,
}).toThrow('[UniSelect]: conditions must be unique');
test('no match value', () => {
const selector = createSelector({
isIOS: true,
isAndroid: false,
isAndroid: 'yyy',
// isIOS: 'yyy',
test('fallback if not match config', () => {
const selector = createSelector({
isIOS: false,
isAndroid: false,
default: "I'm fall back",
).toEqual("I'm fall back");
npm i @aizigao/uni-select
Install dependencies,
$ npm i
Start the dev server,
$ npm start
Build documentation,
$ npm run docs:build
Build library via father-build
$ npm run build
not return select function any more, Now it return a Object type like{ current: string; select: <U>(config: Record<string, U>): U}