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Lifecycle: experimental

The goal of aurintools is to provide programmatic access to the AURIN API. This package is not affiliated with AURIN.

Current features of this package include:

  • Creation of a token to authorise access to the AURIN API
  • Search AURIN datasets
  • Retrieve the API ID for given datasets
  • Download AURIN data
  • Load a downloaded data into an R environment
  • Perform coordinate transformations


You can install the development version of aurintools from GitHub with:

if (!require(remotes)) {
#> Warning: package 'remotes' was built under R version 4.0.5
#> Warning: package 'sf' was built under R version 4.0.5

Authorising access to the AURIN API.

In order to access the AURIN API, you must first register through the AURIN website. First, make sure you read and agree to the AURIN Terms of Use.

You can register for access to the AURIN API at

Once you have received your username and password from AURIN, you can authorise your R Project to use the API by the following command. Replace "username" with your provided username and "password" with your provided password. This function will create a file called aurin_wfs_connection.xml in your current directory.

aurin_authorise_api(username = "username", password = "password")

Downloading a file from AURIN, and reading it into R.

First, determine the API ID for the dataset you are interested. You can browse AURIN datasets at or using the in built function aurin_id(). This returns up to 10 results for your search term. If you know the exact name of the dataset, use that as your search term, and specify exact = TRUE.

#Search for a dataset
#> Multiple AURIN datasets found. If you know the exact name of the dataset you are looking for, specify `exact = TRUE`.
#> You can likely copy and paste the title from the data below, if the search was successful.
#> # A tibble: 6 x 1
#>   title                                                 
#>   <chr>                                                 
#> 1 Public Toilets 2004-2014 for Australia                
#> 2 DSS - National Public Toilets (Point) 2017            
#> 3 Department of Health - National Toilet Map - June 2018
#> 4 SAHEALTH - Playground and Amenities (point) 2014      
#> 5 SA DEW - Parks - Features and Facilities (point) 2015 
#> 6 VIC DELWP - Recreation Assets (Points)
#Get the API ID for a specific dataset
toilets_id <- aurin_id("DSS - National Public Toilets (Point) 2017", exact = TRUE)

Once you have the API ID for the data you are interested, you can download it. Currently, the only option is to download the file as a .geoJSON. By default, the file will be downloaded to a folder in your current directory called out.

toilets <- aurin_download_file(api_id = toilets_id, 
                    out_file_name = "toilets",
                    out_folder = "out")

toilets_data <- read_aurin(toilets)
#> Reading layer `aurin:datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017' from data source `C:\Users\gamb0043\OneDrive - Flinders\Projects\R\aiti-flinders\aurintools\out\toilets.geoJSON' 
#>   using driver `GeoJSON'
#> Simple feature collection with 18789 features and 46 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 113.4102 ymin: -43.582 xmax: 153.6263 ymax: -10.5702
#> Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
#> Simple feature collection with 18789 features and 46 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 113.4102 ymin: -43.582 xmax: 153.6263 ymax: -10.5702
#> Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
#> First 10 features:
#>                                                                                         gml_id
#> 1  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6aa
#> 2  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a9
#> 3  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a8
#> 4  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a7
#> 5  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a6
#> 6  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a5
#> 7  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a4
#> 8  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a3
#> 9  datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a2
#> 10 datasource-AU_Govt_DSS-UoM_AURIN_national_public_toilets_2017.fid--192d859_17c0c4f5985_-6a1
#>    toilet_id                                  url             name
#> 1        341 Elsie Jones Park
#> 2        418        Lucky Bay
#> 3        634      Olds Park 2
#> 4       1150   Jaeger Reserve
#> 5       1207     Lake Jualbup
#> 6       1535      Earl Street
#> 7       1590  Truckalizer Bay
#> 8       1913       Hemisphere
#> 9       2081 Eden Valley Road
#> 10      2377      Wilson Road
#>                    address1          town             state postcode  male
#> 1              Alden Street       Clifton        Queensland     4361  TRUE
#> 2            Lucky Bay Road     Lucky Bay   South Australia     5602  TRUE
#> 3               Holley Road      Mortdale   New South Wales     2223  TRUE
#> 4               Hill Street        Orange   New South Wales     2800  TRUE
#> 5              Evans Street  Shenton Park Western Australia     6008 FALSE
#> 6               Earl Street Coffs Harbour   New South Wales     2450  TRUE
#> 7           Davidson Street    Deniliquin   New South Wales     2710  TRUE
#> 8               High Street       Belmont          Victoria     3216  TRUE
#> 9  Eden Valley-Moculta Road      Keyneton   South Australia     5353  TRUE
#> 10              Wilson Road   Wattle Glen          Victoria     3096  TRUE
#>    female unisex dump_point     facility_type access_limited payment_required
#> 1    TRUE  FALSE      FALSE   Park or reserve          FALSE            FALSE
#> 2    TRUE  FALSE      FALSE              <NA>          FALSE            FALSE
#> 3    TRUE  FALSE      FALSE   Park or reserve          FALSE            FALSE
#> 4    TRUE  FALSE      FALSE   Park or reserve          FALSE            FALSE
#> 5   FALSE   TRUE      FALSE   Park or reserve          FALSE            FALSE
#> 6    TRUE  FALSE      FALSE Sporting facility          FALSE            FALSE
#> 7    TRUE  FALSE      FALSE          Car park          FALSE            FALSE
#> 8    TRUE  FALSE      FALSE              <NA>          FALSE            FALSE
#> 9    TRUE  FALSE      FALSE   Park or reserve          FALSE            FALSE
#> 10   TRUE  FALSE      FALSE              <NA>          FALSE            FALSE
#>    key_required parking accessible_male accessible_female accessible_unisex
#> 1         FALSE   FALSE            TRUE              TRUE             FALSE
#> 2         FALSE    TRUE           FALSE             FALSE             FALSE
#> 3         FALSE   FALSE            TRUE              TRUE             FALSE
#> 4         FALSE   FALSE           FALSE             FALSE             FALSE
#> 5         FALSE   FALSE           FALSE             FALSE              TRUE
#> 6         FALSE    TRUE           FALSE             FALSE             FALSE
#> 7         FALSE    TRUE           FALSE             FALSE             FALSE
#> 8         FALSE   FALSE            TRUE              TRUE             FALSE
#> 9         FALSE   FALSE            TRUE              TRUE             FALSE
#> 10        FALSE   FALSE           FALSE             FALSE             FALSE
#>     mlak parking_accessible ambulant lh_transfer rh_transfer adult_change
#> 1  FALSE              FALSE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 2  FALSE               TRUE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 3   TRUE              FALSE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 4  FALSE              FALSE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 5  FALSE              FALSE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 6  FALSE               TRUE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 7  FALSE              FALSE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 8  FALSE              FALSE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 9  FALSE              FALSE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#> 10 FALSE              FALSE    FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        FALSE
#>          is_open baby_change showers drinking_water sharps_disposal
#> 1       AllHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE           FALSE
#> 2       AllHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE           FALSE
#> 3       Variable       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE           FALSE
#> 4  DaylightHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE           FALSE
#> 5       AllHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE            TRUE
#> 6       AllHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE            TRUE
#> 7       AllHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE           FALSE
#> 8       AllHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE           FALSE
#> 9       AllHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE           FALSE
#> 10      AllHours       FALSE   FALSE          FALSE           FALSE
#>    sanitary_disposal                                      icon_url
#> 1              FALSE
#> 2               TRUE
#> 3              FALSE
#> 4              FALSE
#> 5               TRUE
#> 6              FALSE
#> 7              FALSE
#> 8              FALSE
#> 9              FALSE
#> 10             FALSE
#>                              icon_alt_text   status  latitude longitude
#> 1  Male and Female, or Unisex (Accessible) Verified -27.93137  151.9128
#> 2               Male and Female, or Unisex Verified -33.70644  137.0388
#> 3  Male and Female, or Unisex (Accessible) Verified -33.95907  151.0731
#> 4               Male and Female, or Unisex Verified -33.27453  149.0949
#> 5  Male and Female, or Unisex (Accessible) Verified -31.95966  115.8110
#> 6               Male and Female, or Unisex Verified -30.30045  153.1177
#> 7               Male and Female, or Unisex Verified -35.52487  144.9788
#> 8  Male and Female, or Unisex (Accessible) Verified -38.17437  144.3429
#> 9  Male and Female, or Unisex (Accessible) Verified -34.56854  139.1270
#> 10              Male and Female, or Unisex Verified -37.66025  145.1802
#>    opening_hours openinghours_note toilet_type
#> 1           <NA>              <NA>        <NA>
#> 2           <NA>              <NA>        <NA>
#> 3        6am-9pm         6am - 9pm        <NA>
#> 4           <NA>              <NA>        <NA>
#> 5           <NA>              <NA>   Automatic
#> 6           <NA>              <NA>    Sewerage
#> 7           <NA>              <NA>    Sewerage
#> 8           <NA>              <NA>        <NA>
#> 9           <NA>              <NA>      Septic
#> 10          <NA>              <NA>        <NA>
#>                                 address_note notes parking_note
#> 1                                       <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#> 2                                       <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#> 3                                       <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#> 4                                       <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#> 5                                       <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#> 6                                       <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#> 7                                       <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#> 8                                       <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#> 9  The toilet is located at the public oval.  <NA>         <NA>
#> 10                                      <NA>  <NA>         <NA>
#>    access_parking_note accessible_note access_note                  geometry
#> 1                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA> POINT (151.9128 -27.9314)
#> 2                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA> POINT (137.0388 -33.7064)
#> 3                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA> POINT (151.0731 -33.9591)
#> 4                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA> POINT (149.0949 -33.2745)
#> 5                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA>  POINT (115.811 -31.9597)
#> 6                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA> POINT (153.1177 -30.3004)
#> 7                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA> POINT (144.9788 -35.5249)
#> 8                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA> POINT (144.3429 -38.1744)
#> 9                 <NA>            <NA>        <NA>  POINT (139.127 -34.5685)
#> 10                <NA>            <NA>        <NA> POINT (145.1802 -37.6603)


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