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This role installs and configures wordpress and adds content defined in the vars file.


This role utilizes two roles from sct-cyberrange. These two requirements are defined in the requirements.yml file and can be installed via:

$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Role Variables

There are four sections of variables:

  • Misc
  • Wordpress
  • wp-config
  • Wordpress Content


Variable name Type Default Description
wp_sys_user string 'www-data' User owning the wordpress files on server
wp_sys_usergroup string 'www-data' Usergroup owning the wordpress files on server
wp_cli_dir string '/usr/local/bin/wp-cli' Path to the wp-cli installation
libapache2_mod_version string 'libapache2-mod-php7.0' Passed to apache2-role. Use 'libapache2-mod-php7.2' for compatibility with Ubuntu 18.04

Apache Config

Variable name Type Default Description
wp_apache_hostname string 'team_site' vhost name and foldername in /var/www
wp_apache_aliases list(string) [''] vhost aliases
wp_apache_ssl bool False Activate HTTPS for this wordpress instance
wp_apache_ssl_cert path 'ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem' The source path of the ssl certificate file
wp_apache_ssl_key path 'ssl-cert-snakeoil.key' The source path of the ssl certificates key file
wp_apache_ssl_copycerts bool False Flag to control if certificate and key should be copied to the target host
wp_apache_ssl_cert_path path '/etc/ssl/certs' The base directory for certificates on the host
wp_apache_ssl_key_path path '/etc/ssl/private' The base directory for certificate keys on the host


These variables contain the admin user credentials, the Site Title, Tagline etc.

Variable name Type Default Description
wp_version string 'latest' Wordpress version to be installed (format: 'x.x.x', e.g. '5.2.1')
wp_admin_name string 'admin' Adminuser for e.g. wp-admin
wp_admin_email string 'admin@localhost.localdomain' Admin contact email address
wp_admin_password string 'secret' Password for admin login
wp_title string 'Team Site' Title of wordpress page
wp_tagline string 'Informationsplatform' Subtitle of wordpress page
wp_host string (N/A) Address for wp-installation
wp_path string '/var/www/{{ wp_apache_hostname }}' Installation path to wordpress


Variables required for the wp-config file.

Variable name Type Default
wp_mysqldb_user string 'wordpress_user'
wp_mysqldb_password string 'secret'
wp_mysqldb_dbname string 'wordpress_db'
wp_mysqldb_host string 'localhost'
wp_mysqldb_charset string 'utf8'
wp_mysqldb_collate string (N/A)
wp_auth_key string 'put your unique phrase here'
wp_secure_auth_key string 'put your unique phrase here'
wp_logged_in_key string 'put your unique phrase here'
wp_nonce_key string 'put your unique phrase here'
wp_auth_salt string 'put your unique phrase here'
wp_secure_auth_salt string 'put your unique phrase here'
wp_logged_in_salt string 'put your unique phrase here'
wp_nonce_salt string 'put your unique phrase here'
wp_table_prefix string 'wp_'
wp_debug string 'false'

Wordpress Content

These variables contain the content of the wordpress instance.

Variable name Type Default Description
wp_remove_samples boolean yes If set to 'yes' the content of wordpress is removed (deletes even special posts for plugins)
wp_remove_posts list[post-type] undefined Less intrusive post deletion by post types (wp_remove_samples must be 'no/false')
wp_themes list Wordpress themes to install
    ∟ .name string 'fblogging' Theme name
    ∟ .activate boolean true If set it is activated after installation
wp_plugins list Wordpress plugins to install
    ∟ .name string (N/A) Plugin name
    ∟ .activate boolean true If set it is activated after installation
wp_users list Users to create
    ∟ .name string (N/A) User login
    ∟ .displayname string (N/A) User displayname
    ∟ .email string (N/A) User email
    ∟ .password string (N/A) User password
    ∟ .role string (N/A) User role
wp_users_update list Users to update
    ∟ .id_id string (N/A) Identify by ID or
    ∟ .id_name string (N/A) Identify by name or
    ∟ .id_email string (N/A) Identify by email
    ∟ .new_displayname string (N/A) Updated displayname
    ∟ .new_email string (N/A) Updated email
    ∟ .new_password string (N/A) Updated password
    ∟ .new_role string (N/A) Updated role
wp_categories list Wordpress categories to create
    ∟ .name string (N/A) Category name
    ∟ .description string (N/A) Category description
wp_posts list Posts to create
    ∟ .title string (N/A) Post title
    ∟ .author string (N/A) User name or Id
    ∟ .category string (N/A) Category name
    ∟ .date string (N/A) Post date in format: 'yyyy-dd-mm hh:mm'
    ∟ .content string (N/A) Content
wp_posts_meta list Metadata to add Vto a post
    ∟ .post_name string (N/A) The name of the post to add the data to
    ∟ .post_type string (N/A) The type of the post (need to resolve name to id)
    ∟ .key string (N/A) The metadata key
    ∟ .value string (N/A) The metadata value
wp_options list Posts to create
    ∟ .option_name string (N/A) wp-option to be updated (see below a list of by default available options)
    ∟ .option_value string (N/A) value to be updated to

wp-option list (default)

Option_name Option_name Option_name Option_name
active_plugins default_ping_status page_for_posts timezone_string
admin_email default_pingback_flag page_on_front uninstall_plugins
auto_core_update_failed default_post_format permalink_structure upload_path
auto_core_update_notified default_role ping_sites upload_url_path
avatar_default finished_splitting_shared_terms posts_per_page uploads_use_yearmonth_folders
avatar_rating fresh_site posts_per_rss use_balanceTags
blacklist_keys gmt_offset recently_edited use_smilies
blog_charset hack_file recovery_keys use_trackback
blog_public home require_name_email users_can_register
blogdescription html_type rewrite_rules widget_archives
blogname image_default_align rss_use_excerpt widget_calendar
category_base image_default_link_type show_avatars widget_categories
category_children image_default_size show_comments_cookies_opt_in widget_custom_html
close_comments_days_old initial_db_version show_on_front widget_media_audio
close_comments_for_old_posts large_size_h sidebars_widgets widget_media_gallery
comment_max_links large_size_w site_icon widget_media_image
comment_moderation link_manager_enabled siteurl widget_media_video
comment_order links_updated_date_format start_of_week widget_meta
comment_registration mailserver_login sticky_posts widget_nav_menu
comment_whitelist mailserver_pass stylesheet widget_pages
comments_notify mailserver_port tag_base widget_recent-comments
comments_per_page mailserver_url template widget_recent-posts
cron medium_large_size_h theme_mods_fblogging widget_rss
current_theme medium_large_size_w theme_mods_twentynineteen widget_search
date_format medium_size_h theme_switched widget_tag_cloud
db_version medium_size_w thread_comments widget_text
default_category moderation_keys thread_comments_depth wp_page_for_privacy_policy
default_comment_status moderation_notify thumbnail_crop wp_user_roles
default_comments_page nonce_key thumbnail_size_h
default_email_category nonce_salt thumbnail_size_w
default_link_category page_comments time_format


This role utilizes two roles from sct-cyberrange:

Example Playbook

- hosts:
  - wordpress

    ansible_become: yes
    ansible_become_pass: <password>

    - wordpress




Ansible Role that installs and configures wordpress








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