Let's face it, we all want the big bucks. And we all know Consultancy Law No. 1:
Your Rates Are Proportional To Your App's Enterpriseyness
Or, as Shakespeare would have said:
Enterprisey Apps Invite, Nay Demand, Enterprisey Rates. Verily, Sunshine.
Rails make life easy for us but -- and it's a big but -- we don't want it to look easy. acts_as_enterprisey
is your friend.
How does acts_as_enterprisey
make webapp development look hard? Well, the only way your client can judge your app is by playing around with it. What better gives the feeling of heavy weights being lifted behind the scenes than slow response times? Exactly. That's what acts_as_enterprisey
So while your client clicks, ...waits..., and then gets the page, you can blather on heroically about wrestling with clustered indexes, cache expiration strategies, n log n
seek times, etc ad nauseam.
Simply insert acts_as_enterprisey
in your ActiveRecord
model. That's it. (It wouldn't be much use if you actually had to do some work to make it look hard, would it?)
For example:
class ShuttleLaunchSequencer < ActiveRecord::Base
This slows down all the ShuttleLaunchSequencer
's finders by 2 seconds.
Another example:
class GpsSatelliteBeacon < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_enterprisey :delay => 3, :random => true
This slows down the GpsSatelliteBeacon
's finders by a random delay between 0 and 3 seconds.
You can feel your rates rising already. I know it.
Clients pay you to solve their technical problems. They want to feel like they're getting their money's worth. Especially after you start submitting enterprisey invoices.
So make their wishes come true: it's only fair. Ethical, even. Crank the delay up as the deadline approaches, make them sweat, display fortitude and perseverance, etc. And when they can't take it (the app's sluggishness, your bills, whatever) any more, whip out the acts_as_enterprisey
from your models and book the flights to Vegas.
Install in the usual Rails way:
script/plugin install git://github.com/airblade/acts_as_enterprisey.git
Sometimes plausible deniability is best.
But, for the record, you can blame Andrew Stewart at AirBlade Software.
Acts as ASP.NET:
A much more impressive effort than this slapdash thing.
is available under the MIT licence. See MIT-LICENCE for the details.
Copyright (c) 2006 Andrew Stewart