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Robonomics Hardware Team

The Robonomics Hardware team is involved in developing open-source hardware.

Devices Developed by Robonomics Hardware

The Robonomics Hardware team focuses on developing open-source hardware solutions. Below is a list of devices they have developed:

Device Name ID (Version) Project Description Production Files
Energy Monitoring EM-ESP32C6 Description PCB
Altruist Outdoor Sensor ESP32C3 Description PCB
Hikikomori Hiki-ESP32C6 Description PCB

Project Structure

└── Name/                             # Name device
    ├── Typography/         # Files for ordering printed products from a printing house
    ├── PCB/                # Files for ordering from a PCB factory
    ├── Project/            # EDA projects
    ├── Docs                # Technical documentation of device components
    ├── Models              # 3D models from printing
    └── Schematic           # schematic diagrams of devices