aiPhilos provides natural language processing capabilities including advanced semantical and lexicographical analysis based on recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence technology.
Currently, aiPhilos provides two sets of APIs:
- items provides a real-time database and search engine using the semantics API (see below) improving search results and indexing through understanding natural language, adding natural language analysis and Artificial Intelligence as a component to understand your data set
- semantics can split natural human language input into machine-readable chunks and attach additional information usable to deepen natural language understanding in your application (tokenization, part of speech tagging, word classes and categories, named entity recognition, lexicographical data, synonyms/hypernyms/hyponyms, similarity and sentiment data, and learned knowledge)
For more, visit
For documentation, see
The easiest way to install this library is to use composer.
"require": {
"aiphilos/api-sdk-php": "1.*"
// Create client
$client = new Aiphilos\Api\Semantics\Client();
// Configure client
$client->setAuthCredentials('user', 'pass');
$res = $client->parseString('Ordner');
$res = $client->parseStrings(array('Ordner leitz', 'tastatur'));
// Alternative
$res = $client->parseStrings(array('example_1' => 'Ordner leitz', 'example_2' => 'tastatur'));
Aiphilos\Api\Semantics\LexemeFactory::setDefaultClass('My\Namespace\And\Classname'); // Instance of Aiphilos\Api\Semantics\LexemeInterface
Aiphilos\Api\Semantics\SynsetFactory::setDefaultClass('My\Namespace\And\Classname'); // Instance of Aiphilos\Api\Semantics\SynsetInterface
This library is available under the Apache 2.0 License.
Want to get in touch? Contact: