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Using Electa API to populate an election

Most of the scripts provided will output simple time benchmarks for the operations performed.


Site, organisation, election, trustees and an admin must be set up in Electa. Add information about the context in a .env file. An example.env has been provided. Copy it and rename it to .env.

Populating an election

Voter groups and contests

A contest is created and attached to each voter group created.

node populate_voter_groups.js amount

Options for contests

This script creates a number of options for each contest of the election.

node populate_options.js amountPerContest


Creates an amount of voters equalling voterBatches * votersPerBatch. If the script is cancelled/fails or has to be split in multiple processes, then the batchStart can be used to pick up the creation process at a specific batch.

Voter group amount annotates how many voting rounds they should be spread across (from first to voterGroupAmount)

node populate_voters.js  voterBatches votersPerBatch voterGroupAmount batchStart

Voting Round

Creates a voting round where it assigns the first contestAmount contests to the voting round.

node populate_voting_round.js contestAmount
# => Created voting round with reference: 123456

Threshold ceremony and board publishing

The threshold ceremony is performed with a certain threshold, and afterwards the board is published.

node prepare_for_voting.js threshold

Submitting votes

Starts submitting votes for an amount of voters equalling batches * batchSize. If the script is cancelled/fails or has to be split in multiple processes, then the batchStart can be used to pick up the voting process at a specific batch.

Through API download of voter credentials

node submit_votes.js batches batchSize batchStart

Through local CSV with voter credentials

node submit_votes_from_csv.js csvPath electionCodeIndicies batches batchSize batchStart

Note: The electionCodeIndicies should be comma separated


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