- A simple game of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock
- Player enters their name and then play against the computer or a second player
- If computer, a random choice is generated
I used an algorithm to calculate who wins - allowing new weapons to be added with ease (two at a time) and only styling changes will be required
I focused mainly on styling for this challenge
multiplayer feature was spiked and NOT test driven.
some tests have been added but full coverage not expected.
tests still need to be added and some content changes to result pages.
checkout commit 6ce432b538d2c6892d39f94cee48cf439d28c6d5
to see the project before adding multiplayer.
Languages - Ruby, HTML & CSS
Framework - Sinatra
Testing - Rspec & Capybara
visit https://vast-lake-38242.herokuapp.com/
in your browser
bundle install
Home Page:
Play Page: