A Winston 3 transport for logging to Apache Kafka.
Developed at AID:Tech.
npm install git+https://github.com/aidtechnology/winston3-kafka.git
var winston = require('winston');
winston.transports.Kafka = require('winston3-kafka');
var options = {
topic: 'logs',
clientOptions: {
kafkaHost: {'localhost:9092'} // We connect directly to Kafka, rather than Zookeeper
winston.add(new winston.transports.Kafka(options));
- (required) Kafka topicclientOptions
- node-kafka KafkaClient optionsproducerOptions
- node-kafka HighLevelProducer optionscompression
- Compression to use on messages sent to Kafka (0: none [default], 1: Gzip, 2: Snappy)
This repository took inspiration from previous efforts to create a Winston transport for Kafka, namely:
https://github.com/bigdatr/winston-kafka-transport/blob/master/index.js https://github.com/Avocarrot/winston-kafka/blob/master/index.js