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Releases: aiden04/spicetify-gui

Spicetify-GUI 1.0.3

20 Aug 11:37
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Spicetify-GUI 1.0.3

Spicetify-GUI version 1.0.3 is here!


Converted the script to an executable. Conversion is done by user, easyinstaller has been included.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed Themes Menu.

Spicetify-GUI 1.0.2

20 Aug 03:31
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Spicetify-GUI 1.0.2

Spicetify-GUI version 1.0.2 is here!

New Feature

Released a new feature, this feature gives you the ability to send commands to the console, and displays the output to the Main Menu. This means the cli in the back is no longer needed, so the file name was changed from .py to .pyw.

  • Built in Console.
  • Easy install for Spotify

UI Update

Changed the theme of PySimpleGUI from Default, to SystemDefaultForReal. Added ttk style buttons, specifically the calm style. Config is now viewed inside the Main Menu. It cannot be edited from the Main Menu, but my be edited by using the built in console.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug that would crash Spicetify-GUI anytime a user tried to close it using the exit button, or closing from the windows title bar.
  • Install-CLI is now working.