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TinyBatt - brief one-line battery information


The goal of this software is to display battery information in the format most useful for inclusion in text-based interfaces (read: my tmux status line).

Although one can achieve this by piping output of any acpi tool through gnu toolchain, polling such chain has a bigger footprint and I need something to play with while learning C.


  • Battery status indication:
    • charging charging
    • discharging discharging
    • warning warning
  • Discharge rate indicator discharge-rate. Sometimes, after s2ram my notebook starts eating through battery really fast, this indicator designed to pop up after discharge rate exceeds specified limit (in watts).
  • Multiple batteries support! multiple-batteries
  • Don't like built in indicators? Define your own with command line arguments! See tinybatt --help for details.


  • tmux: insert #(/path/to/tinybatt) somewhere in your status(-left/right) template


  1. Build from source: tinybatt is written in pure C and does not require anything above libc-dev and cmake to build. Run the following from the project root directory: cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
  2. Build packages: run make package. You will get DEB, RPM and TGZ packages.`
  3. Install package:
    • Debian: run sudo dpkg -i tinybatt*.deb
    • Red Hat: run sudo rpm -i tinybatt*.rpm
    • Manual: binary will end up at src/tinybatt


The exact representation of Unicode symbols depend on your fonts.

Oops, it crashed

My apologies. In order to help me figure out what's wrong please do the following:

  1. Build source with debug info: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
  2. Run binary under GDB: execute gdb src/tinybatt. You will be greeted with GDB prompt. Enter run, tinybatt will be executed and after it crashes, show me the output of backtrace command.


  • v0.0.3: Added ability to fine tune output.
  • v0.0.2: Added support for multiple batteries.
  • v0.0.1: Initial version.


A tool for displaying brief one-line battery information







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