Career Management Application is a tool for customizing careers in companies, which can be used as a management tool in the field of human resources.
Clone this repository by typing it in the console or terminal
First is Important copy or rename file .env.example to .env and configuration your database
type in console or terminal
composer install
type in console or terminal
npm i
ornpm install
php artisan migrate --seed
orphp artisan migrage:fresh --seed
is required because it comes with default data. -
type in console or terminal
php artisan storage:link
for storage link -
and type in console or terminal
php artisan key:generate
for security. -
run this command at same time in your console or terminal
npm run dev
andphp artisan serve
. -
npm run dev
for running all asset in frontend with Vite. -
php artisan serve
run local server. -
go in your local url in your browser to open web type
if you want clear all assets(image and files) use this costum command
php artisan clear:unused-files
to clear all assets
you cant use api data postman, export the file data to your postsman in folder postman
Laravel 10 (Main Core)
InertiaJS with ReactJs (Typescript) for frontend
Mysql (Database)
Tailwindcss with DaisyUI