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* [SPARK-33287][SS][UI] Expose state custom metrics information on SS UI

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
Structured Streaming UI is not containing state custom metrics information. In this PR I've added it.

### Why are the changes needed?
Missing state custom metrics information.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
Additional UI elements appear.

### How was this patch tested?
Existing unit tests + manual test.
#Compile Spark
echo "spark.sql.streaming.ui.enabledCustomMetricList stateOnCurrentVersionSizeBytes" >> conf/spark-defaults.conf
sbin/ spark://gsomogyi-MBP16:7077
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://gsomogyi-MBP16:7077 --deploy-mode client --class com.spark.Main ../spark-test/target/spark-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
<img width="1119" alt="Screenshot 2020-11-18 at 12 45 36" src="">

Closes #30336 from gaborgsomogyi/SPARK-33287.

Authored-by: Gabor Somogyi <>
Signed-off-by: Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR) <>

* [SPARK-33457][PYTHON] Adjust mypy configuration

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This pull request:

- Adds following flags to the main mypy configuration:
  - [`strict_optional`](
  - [`no_implicit_optional`](
  - [`disallow_untyped_defs`](

These flags are enabled only for public API and disabled for tests and internal modules.

Additionally, these PR fixes missing annotations.

### Why are the changes needed?

Primary reason to propose this changes is to use standard configuration as used by typeshed project. This will allow us to be more strict, especially when interacting with JVM code. See for example

Additionally, it will allow us to detect cases where annotations have unintentionally omitted.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Annotations only.

### How was this patch tested?


Closes #30382 from zero323/SPARK-33457.

Authored-by: zero323 <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33252][PYTHON][DOCS] Migration to NumPy documentation style in MLlib (pyspark.mllib.*)

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes migration of `pyspark.mllib` to NumPy documentation style.

### Why are the changes needed?

To improve documentation style.





### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, this changes both rendered HTML docs and console representation (SPARK-33243).

### How was this patch tested?

`dev/lint-python` and manual inspection.

Closes #30413 from zero323/SPARK-33252.

Authored-by: zero323 <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33494][SQL][AQE] Do not use local shuffle reader for repartition

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR updates `ShuffleExchangeExec` to carry more information about how much we can change the partitioning. For `repartition(col)`, we should preserve the user-specified partitioning and don't apply the AQE local shuffle reader.

### Why are the changes needed?

Similar to `repartition(number, col)`, we should respect the user-specified partitioning.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

a new test

Closes #30432 from cloud-fan/aqe.

Authored-by: Wenchen Fan <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33543][SQL] Migrate SHOW COLUMNS command to use UnresolvedTableOrView to resolve the identifier

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes to migrate `SHOW COLUMNS` to use `UnresolvedTableOrView` to resolve the table/view identifier. This allows consistent resolution rules (temp view first, etc.) to be applied for both v1/v2 commands. More info about the consistent resolution rule proposal can be found in [JIRA]( or [proposal doc](

Note that `SHOW COLUMNS` is not yet supported for v2 tables.

### Why are the changes needed?

To use `UnresolvedTableOrView` for table/view resolution. Note that `ShowColumnsCommand` internally resolves to a temp view first, so there is no resolution behavior change with this PR.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Updated existing tests.

Closes #30490 from imback82/show_columns.

Authored-by: Terry Kim <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33224][SS][WEBUI] Add watermark gap information into SS UI page

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes to add the watermark gap information in SS UI page. Please refer below screenshots to see what we'd like to show in UI.

![Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 6 56 38 PM](

Please note that this PR doesn't plot the watermark value - knowing the gap between actual wall clock and watermark looks more useful than the absolute value.

### Why are the changes needed?

Watermark is the one of major metrics the end users need to track for stateful queries. Watermark defines "when" the output will be emitted for append mode, hence knowing how much gap between wall clock and watermark (input data) is very helpful to make expectation of the output.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, SS UI query page will contain the watermark gap information.

### How was this patch tested?

Basic UT added. Manually tested with two queries:

> simple case

You'll see consistent watermark gap with (15 seconds + a) = 10 seconds are from delay in watermark definition, 5 seconds are trigger interval.

import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "10")

val query = spark
  .option("rowsPerSecond", 1000)
  .option("rampUpTime", "10s")
  .selectExpr("timestamp", "mod(value, 100) as mod", "value")
  .withWatermark("timestamp", "10 seconds")
  .groupBy(window($"timestamp", "1 minute", "10 seconds"), $"mod")
  .agg(max("value").as("max_value"), min("value").as("min_value"), avg("value").as("avg_value"))
  .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("5 seconds"))


![Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 7 00 21 PM](

> complicated case

This randomizes the timestamp, hence producing random watermark gap. This won't be smaller than 15 seconds as I described earlier.

import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "10")

val query = spark
  .option("rowsPerSecond", 1000)
  .option("rampUpTime", "10s")
  .selectExpr("*", "CAST(CAST(timestamp AS BIGINT) - CAST((RAND() * 100000) AS BIGINT) AS TIMESTAMP) AS tsMod")
  .selectExpr("tsMod", "mod(value, 100) as mod", "value")
  .withWatermark("tsMod", "10 seconds")
  .groupBy(window($"tsMod", "1 minute", "10 seconds"), $"mod")
  .agg(max("value").as("max_value"), min("value").as("min_value"), avg("value").as("avg_value"))
  .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("5 seconds"))


![Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 6 56 47 PM](

Closes #30427 from HeartSaVioR/SPARK-33224.

Authored-by: Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR) <>
Signed-off-by: Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR) <>

* [SPARK-33533][SQL] Fix the regression bug that ConnectionProviders don't consider case-sensitivity for properties

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR fixes an issue that `BasicConnectionProvider` doesn't consider case-sensitivity for properties.
For example, the property `oracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp` should be considered case-sensitivity but it is not considered.

### Why are the changes needed?

This is a bug introduced by #29024 .
Caused by this issue, `OracleIntegrationSuite` doesn't pass.

[info] - SPARK-16625: General data types to be mapped to Oracle *** FAILED *** (32 seconds, 129 milliseconds)
[info]   types.apply(9).equals(org.apache.spark.sql.types.DateType) was false (OracleIntegrationSuite.scala:238)
[info]   org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException:
[info]   at org.scalatest.Assertions.newAssertionFailedException(Assertions.scala:472)
[info]   at org.scalatest.Assertions.newAssertionFailedException$(Assertions.scala:471)
[info]   at org.scalatest.Assertions$.newAssertionFailedException(Assertions.scala:1231)
[info]   at org.scalatest.Assertions$AssertionsHelper.macroAssert(Assertions.scala:1295)
[info]   at org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.OracleIntegrationSuite.$anonfun$new$4(OracleIntegrationSuite.scala:238)
[info]   at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:85)
[info]   at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf.outcomeOf$(OutcomeOf.scala:83)
[info]   at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf$.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:104)
[info]   at org.scalatest.Transformer.apply(Transformer.scala:22)
[info]   at org.scalatest.Transformer.apply(Transformer.scala:20)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike$$anon$1.apply(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:190)
[info]   at org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite.withFixture(SparkFunSuite.scala:176)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike.invokeWithFixture$1(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:188)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike.$anonfun$runTest$1(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:200)
[info]   at org.scalatest.SuperEngine.runTestImpl(Engine.scala:306)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike.runTest(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:200)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike.runTest$(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:182)
[info]   at$scalatest$BeforeAndAfterEach$$super$runTest(SparkFunSuite.scala:61)
[info]   at org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach.runTest(BeforeAndAfterEach.scala:234)
[info]   at org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach.runTest$(BeforeAndAfterEach.scala:227)
[info]   at org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite.runTest(SparkFunSuite.scala:61)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike.$anonfun$runTests$1(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:233)
[info]   at org.scalatest.SuperEngine.$anonfun$runTestsInBranch$1(Engine.scala:413)
[info]   at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:392)
[info]   at org.scalatest.SuperEngine.traverseSubNodes$1(Engine.scala:401)
[info]   at org.scalatest.SuperEngine.runTestsInBranch(Engine.scala:396)
[info]   at org.scalatest.SuperEngine.runTestsImpl(Engine.scala:475)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike.runTests(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:233)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike.runTests$(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:232)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite.runTests(AnyFunSuite.scala:1563)
[info]   at
[info]   at$(Suite.scala:1094)
[info]   at$scalatest$funsuite$AnyFunSuiteLike$$super$run(AnyFunSuite.scala:1563)
[info]   at org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike.$anonfun$run$1(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:237)
[info]   at org.scalatest.SuperEngine.runImpl(Engine.scala:535)
[info]   at
[info]   at$(AnyFunSuiteLike.scala:236)
[info]   at$scalatest$BeforeAndAfterAll$$super$run(SparkFunSuite.scala:61)
[info]   at org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll.liftedTree1$1(BeforeAndAfterAll.scala:213)
[info]   at
[info]   at$(BeforeAndAfterAll.scala:208)
[info]   at
[info]   at$scalatest$tools$Framework$$runSuite(Framework.scala:318)
[info]   at$ScalaTestTask.execute(Framework.scala:513)
[info]   at sbt.ForkMain$Run.lambda$runTest$1(
[info]   at
[info]   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[info]   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[info]   at

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

With this change, I confirmed that `OracleIntegrationSuite` passes with the following command.
$ git clone
$ cd docker-images/OracleDatabase/SingleInstance/dockerfiles
$ ./ -v 18.4.0 -x
$ ORACLE_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=oracle/database:18.4.0-xe build/sbt  -Pdocker-integration-tests -Phive -Phive-thriftserver "testOnly org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.OracleIntegrationSuite"

Closes #30485 from sarutak/fix-oracle-integration-suite.

Authored-by: Kousuke Saruta <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33477][SQL] Hive Metastore support filter by date type

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Hive Metastore supports strings and integral types in filters. It could also support dates. Please see [HIVE-5679]( for more details.

This pr add support it.

### Why are the changes needed?

Improve query performance.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Unit test.

Closes #30408 from wangyum/SPARK-33477.

Authored-by: Yuming Wang <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33549][SQL] Remove configuration spark.sql.legacy.allowCastNumericToTimestamp

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Remove SQL configuration spark.sql.legacy.allowCastNumericToTimestamp

### Why are the changes needed?

In the current master branch, there is a new configuration `spark.sql.legacy.allowCastNumericToTimestamp` which controls whether to cast Numeric types to Timestamp or not. The default value is true.

After, the type conversion between Timestamp type and Numeric type is disallowed in ANSI mode. So, we don't need to a separate configuration `spark.sql.legacy.allowCastNumericToTimestamp` for disallowing the conversion. Users just need to set `spark.sql.ansi.enabled` for the behavior.

As the configuration is not in any released yet, we should remove the configuration to make things simpler.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

No, since the configuration is not released yet.

### How was this patch tested?

Existing test cases

Closes #30493 from gengliangwang/LEGACY_ALLOW_CAST_NUMERIC_TO_TIMESTAMP.

Authored-by: Gengliang Wang <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33509][SQL] List partition by names from a V2 table which supports partition management

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
1. Add new method `listPartitionByNames` to the `SupportsPartitionManagement` interface. It allows to list partitions by partition names and their values.
2. Implement new method in `InMemoryPartitionTable` which is used in DSv2 tests.

### Why are the changes needed?
Currently, the `SupportsPartitionManagement` interface exposes only `listPartitionIdentifiers` which allows to list partitions by partition values. And it requires to specify all values for partition schema fields in the prefix. This restriction does not allow to list partitions by some of partition names (not all of them).

For example, the table `tableA` is partitioned by two column `year` and `month`
CREATE TABLE tableA (price int, year int, month int)
partitioned by (year, month)
and has the following partitions:
PARTITION(year = 2015, month = 1)
PARTITION(year = 2015, month = 2)
PARTITION(year = 2016, month = 2)
PARTITION(year = 2016, month = 3)
If we want to list all partitions with `month = 2`, we have to specify `year` for **listPartitionIdentifiers()** which not always possible as we don't know all `year` values in advance. New method **listPartitionByNames()** allows to specify partition values only for `month`, and get two partitions:
PARTITION(year = 2015, month = 2)
PARTITION(year = 2016, month = 2)

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
By running the affected test suite `SupportsPartitionManagementSuite`.

Closes #30452 from MaxGekk/column-names-listPartitionIdentifiers.

Authored-by: Max Gekk <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-27194][SPARK-29302][SQL] Fix commit collision in dynamic partition overwrite mode

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

When using dynamic partition overwrite, each task has its working dir under staging dir like `stagingDir/.spark-staging-{jobId}`, each task commits to `outputPath/.spark-staging-{jobId}/{partitionId}/part-{taskId}-{jobId}{ext}`.
When speculation enable, multiple task attempts would be setup for one task, **they have same task id and they would commit to same file concurrently**. Due to host done or node preemption, the partly-committed files aren't cleaned up, a FileAlreadyExistsException would be raised in this situation, resulting in job failure.

I don't try to change task commit process for dynamic partition overwrite, like adding attempt id to task working dir for each attempts and committing to final output dir via a new outputCommitCoordinator, here is reason:

1. `FileOutputCommitter` already has commit coordinator for each task attempts, we can leverage it rather than build a new one.
2. To say the least, we implement a coordinator solving task attempts commit conflict, suppose a severe case, application master failover, tasks with same attempt id and same task id would commit to same files, the `FileAlreadyExistsException` risk still exists

In this pr, I leverage FileOutputCommitter to solve the problem:

1. when initing a write job description, set `outputPath/.spark-staging-{jobId}` as the output dir
2. each task attempt writes output to `outputPath/.spark-staging-{jobId}/_temporary/${appAttemptId}/_temporary/${taskAttemptId}/{partitionId}/part-{taskId}-{jobId}{ext}`
3. leverage `FileOutputCommitter` coordinator, write job firstly commits output to `outputPath/.spark-staging-{jobId}/{partitionId}`
4. for dynamic partition overwrite, write job finally move `outputPath/.spark-staging-{jobId}/{partitionId}` to `outputPath/{partitionId}`

### Why are the changes needed?

Without this pr, dynamic partition overwrite would fail

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

added UT.

Closes #29000 from WinkerDu/master-fix-dynamic-partition-multi-commit.

Authored-by: duripeng <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-31257][SPARK-33561][SQL] Unify create table syntax

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

* Unify the create table syntax in the parser by merging Hive and DataSource clauses
* Add `SerdeInfo` and `external` boolean to statement plans and update AstBuilder to produce them
* Add conversion from create statement plan to v1 create plans in ResolveSessionCatalog
* Support new statement clauses in ResolveCatalogs conversion to v2 create plans
* Remove SparkSqlParser rules for Hive syntax
* Add "option." namespace to distinguish SERDEPROPERTIES and OPTIONS in table properties

### Why are the changes needed?

* Current behavior is confusing.
* A way to pass the Hive create options to DSv2 is needed for a Hive source.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?

Not by default, but v2 sources will be able to handle STORED AS and other Hive clauses.

### How was this patch tested?

Existing tests validate there are no behavior changes.

Update unit tests for using a statement plan for Hive create syntax:
* Move create tests from spark-sql DDLParserSuite into PlanResolutionSuite
* Add parser tests to spark-catalyst DDLParserSuite

Closes #28026 from rdblue/unify-create-table.

Lead-authored-by: Ryan Blue <>
Co-authored-by: Wenchen Fan <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33496][SQL] Improve error message of ANSI explicit cast

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

After, there are some type conversions disallowed under ANSI mode.
We should tell users what they can do if they have to use the disallowed casting.

### Why are the changes needed?

Make it more user-friendly.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, the error message is improved on casting failure when ANSI mode is enabled
### How was this patch tested?

Unit tests.

Closes #30440 from gengliangwang/improveAnsiCastErrorMSG.

Authored-by: Gengliang Wang <>
Signed-off-by: Gengliang Wang <>

* [SPARK-33540][SQL] Subexpression elimination for interpreted predicate

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This patch proposes to support subexpression elimination for interpreted predicate.

### Why are the changes needed?

Similar to interpreted projection, there are use cases when codegen predicate is not able to work, e.g. too complex schema, non-codegen expression, etc. When there are frequently occurring expressions (subexpressions) among predicate expression, the performance is quite bad as we need to re-compute same expressions. We should be able to support subexpression elimination for interpreted predicate like interpreted projection.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

No, this doesn't change user behavior.

### How was this patch tested?

Unit test and benchmark.

Closes #30497 from viirya/SPARK-33540.

Authored-by: Liang-Chi Hsieh <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-31257][SPARK-33561][SQL][FOLLOWUP] Fix Scala 2.13 compilation

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR is a follow-up to fix Scala 2.13 compilation.

### Why are the changes needed?

To support Scala 2.13 in Apache Spark 3.1.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Pass the GitHub Action Scala 2.13 compilation job.

Closes #30502 from dongjoon-hyun/SPARK-31257.

Authored-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33525][SQL] Update hive-service-rpc to 3.1.2

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

We supported Hive metastore are 0.12.0 through 3.1.2, but we supported hive-jdbc are 0.12.0 through 2.3.7. It will throw `TProtocolException` if we use hive-jdbc 3.x:

[rootspark-3267648 apache-hive-3.1.2-bin]# bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
Connecting to jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
Connected to: Spark SQL (version 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT)
Driver: Hive JDBC (version 3.1.2)
Beeline version 3.1.2 by Apache Hive
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default> create table t1(id int) using parquet;
Unexpected end of file when reading from HS2 server. The root cause might be too many concurrent connections. Please ask the administrator to check the number of active connections, and adjust hive.server2.thrift.max.worker.threads if applicable.
Error: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException (state=08S01,code=0)
org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException: Missing version in readMessageBegin, old client?
	at org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol.readMessageBegin(
	at org.apache.thrift.TBaseProcessor.process(
	at org.apache.hive.service.auth.TSetIpAddressProcessor.process(
	at org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer$
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/

This pr upgrade hive-service-rpc to 3.1.2 to fix this issue.

### Why are the changes needed?

To support hive-jdbc 3.x.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Manual test:
[rootspark-3267648 apache-hive-3.1.2-bin]# bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
Connecting to jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default
Connected to: Spark SQL (version 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT)
Driver: Hive JDBC (version 3.1.2)
Beeline version 3.1.2 by Apache Hive
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default> create table t1(id int) using parquet;
| Result  |
No rows selected (1.051 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default> insert into t1 values(1);
| Result  |
No rows selected (2.08 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default> select * from t1;
| id  |
| 1   |
1 row selected (0.605 seconds)

Closes #30478 from wangyum/SPARK-33525.

Authored-by: Yuming Wang <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33565][BUILD][PYTHON] remove python3.8 and fix breakage

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
remove python 3.8 from python/ and stop build breaks

### Why are the changes needed?
the python tests are running against the bare-bones system install of python3, rather than an anaconda environment.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
via jenkins

Closes #30506 from shaneknapp/remove-py38.

Authored-by: shane knapp <>
Signed-off-by: shane knapp <>

* [SPARK-33523][SQL][TEST][FOLLOWUP] Fix benchmark case name in SubExprEliminationBenchmark

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Fix the wrong benchmark case name.

### Why are the changes needed?

The last commit to refactor the benchmark code missed a change of case name.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

No, dev only.

### How was this patch tested?

Unit test.

Closes #30505 from viirya/SPARK-33523-followup.

Authored-by: Liang-Chi Hsieh <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33562][UI] Improve the style of the checkbox in executor page

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

1. Remove the fixed width style of class `container-fluid-div`. So that the UI looks clean when the text is long.
2. Add one space between a checkbox and the text on the right side, which is consistent with the stage page.

### Why are the changes needed?

The width of class `container-fluid-div` is set as 200px after . This makes the checkbox in the executor page messy.

We should remove the width limit.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?

Manual test.
After the changes:

Closes #30500 from gengliangwang/reviseStyle.

Authored-by: Gengliang Wang <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33565][INFRA][FOLLOW-UP] Keep the test coverage with Python 3.8 in GitHub Actions

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes to keep the test coverage with Python 3.8 in GitHub Actions. It is not tested for now in Jenkins due to an env issue.

**Before this change in GitHub Actions:**

Running PySpark tests
Running PySpark tests. Output is in /__w/spark/spark/python/unit-tests.log
Will test against the following Python executables: ['python3.6', 'pypy3']

**After this change in GitHub Actions:**

Running PySpark tests
Running PySpark tests. Output is in /__w/spark/spark/python/unit-tests.log
Will test against the following Python executables: ['python3.6', 'python3.8', 'pypy3']

### Why are the changes needed?

To keep the test coverage with Python 3.8 in GitHub Actions.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

No, dev-only.

### How was this patch tested?

GitHub Actions in this build will test.

Closes #30510 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-33565.

Authored-by: HyukjinKwon <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33551][SQL] Do not use custom shuffle reader for repartition

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR fixes an AQE issue where local shuffle reader, partition coalescing, or skew join optimization can be mistakenly applied to a shuffle introduced by repartition or a regular shuffle that logically replaces a repartition shuffle.
The proposed solution checks for the presence of any repartition shuffle and filters out not applicable optimization rules for the final stage in an AQE plan.

### Why are the changes needed?

Without the change, the output of a repartition query may not be correct.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Added UT.

Closes #30494 from maryannxue/csr-repartition.

Authored-by: Maryann Xue <>
Signed-off-by: Xiao Li <>

* [SPARK-33563][PYTHON][R][SQL] Expose inverse hyperbolic trig functions in PySpark and SparkR

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR adds the following functions (introduced in Scala API with SPARK-33061):

- `acosh`
- `asinh`
- `atanh`

to Python and R.

### Why are the changes needed?

Feature parity.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

New functions.

### How was this patch tested?

New unit tests.

Closes #30501 from zero323/SPARK-33563.

Authored-by: zero323 <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33566][CORE][SQL][SS][PYTHON] Make unescapedQuoteHandling option configurable when read CSV

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
There are some differences between Spark CSV, opencsv and commons-csv, the typical case are described in SPARK-33566, When there are both unescaped quotes and unescaped qualifier in value,  the results of parsing are different.

The reason for the difference is Spark use `STOP_AT_DELIMITER` as default `UnescapedQuoteHandling` to build `CsvParser` and it not configurable.

On the other hand, opencsv and commons-csv use the parsing mechanism similar to `STOP_AT_CLOSING_QUOTE ` by default.

So this pr make `unescapedQuoteHandling` option configurable to get the same parsing result as opencsv and commons-csv.

### Why are the changes needed?
Make unescapedQuoteHandling option configurable when read CSV to make parsing more flexible。

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?

- Pass the Jenkins or GitHub Action

- Add a new case similar to that described in SPARK-33566

Closes #30518 from LuciferYang/SPARK-33566.

Authored-by: yangjie01 <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33575][SQL] Fix misleading exception for "ANALYZE TABLE ... FOR COLUMNS" on temporary views

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes to fix the exception message for `ANALYZE TABLE ... FOR COLUMNS` on temporary views.

The current behavior throws `NoSuchTableException` even if the temporary view exists:
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException: Table or view 't' not found in database 'db';
  at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.AnalyzeColumnCommand.analyzeColumnInTempView(AnalyzeColumnCommand.scala:76)

After this PR, more reasonable exception is thrown:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Temporary view `testView` is not cached for analyzing columns.;
[info]   at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.AnalyzeColumnCommand.analyzeColumnInTempView(AnalyzeColumnCommand.scala:74)
[info]   at

### Why are the changes needed?

To fix a misleading exception.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, the exception thrown is changed as shown above.

### How was this patch tested?

Updated existing test.

Closes #30519 from imback82/analyze_table_message.

Authored-by: Terry Kim <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33522][SQL] Improve exception messages while handling UnresolvedTableOrView

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes to improve the exception messages while `UnresolvedTableOrView` is handled based on this suggestion:

Currently, when an identifier is resolved to a temp view when a table/permanent view is expected, the following exception message is displayed (e.g., for `SHOW CREATE TABLE`):
t is a temp view not table or permanent view.
After this PR, the message will be:
t is a temp view. 'SHOW CREATE TABLE' expects a table or permanent view.

Also, if an identifier is not resolved, the following exception message is currently used:
Table or view not found: t
After this PR, the message will be:
Table or permanent view not found for 'SHOW CREATE TABLE': t
Table or view not found for 'ANALYZE TABLE ... FOR COLUMNS ...': t

### Why are the changes needed?

To improve the exception message.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, the exception message will be changed as described above.

### How was this patch tested?

Updated existing tests.

Closes #30475 from imback82/unresolved_table_or_view.

Authored-by: Terry Kim <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-28645][SQL] ParseException is thrown when the window is redefined

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
Currently in Spark one could redefine a window. For instance:

`select count(*) OVER w FROM tenk1 WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY unique1), w AS (ORDER BY unique1);`
The window `w` is defined two times. In PgSQL, on the other hand, a thrown will happen:

`ERROR:  window "w" is already defined`

### Why are the changes needed?
The current implement gives the following window definitions a higher priority. But it wasn't Spark's intention and users can't know from any document of Spark.
This PR fixes the bug.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
There is an example query output with/without this fix.
    first_value(employee_name) OVER w highest_salary,
    nth_value(employee_name, 2) OVER w second_highest_salary
The output before this fix:
Larry Bott	11798	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Gerard Bondur	11472	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Pamela Castillo	11303	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Barry Jones	10586	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
George Vanauf	10563	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Loui Bondur	10449	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Mary Patterson	9998	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Steve Patterson	9441	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Julie Firrelli	9181	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Jeff Firrelli	8992	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
William Patterson	8870	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Diane Murphy	8435	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Leslie Jennings	8113	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Gerard Hernandez	6949	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Foon Yue Tseng	6660	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Anthony Bow	6627	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
Leslie Thompson	5186	Larry Bott	Gerard Bondur
The output after this fix:
-- !query output

The definition of window 'w' is repetitive(line 8, pos 0)

### How was this patch tested?
Jenkins test.

Closes #30512 from beliefer/SPARK-28645.

Lead-authored-by: gengjiaan <>
Co-authored-by: beliefer <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33498][SQL] Datetime parsing should fail if the input string can't be parsed, or the pattern string is invalid

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Datetime parsing should fail if the input string can't be parsed, or the pattern string is invalid, when ANSI mode is enable. This patch should update GetTimeStamp, UnixTimeStamp, ToUnixTimeStamp and Cast.

### Why are the changes needed?

For ANSI mode.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Added UT and Existing UT.

Closes #30442 from leanken/leanken-SPARK-33498.

Authored-by: xuewei.linxuewei <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33141][SQL] Capture SQL configs when creating permanent views

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
This PR makes CreateViewCommand/AlterViewAsCommand capturing runtime SQL configs and store them as view properties. These configs will be applied during the parsing and analysis phases of the view resolution. Users can set `spark.sql.legacy.useCurrentConfigsForView` to `true` to restore the behavior before.

### Why are the changes needed?
This PR is a sub-task of [SPARK-33138]( that proposes to unify temp view and permanent view behaviors. This PR makes permanent views mimicking the temp view behavior that "fixes" view semantic by directly storing resolved LogicalPlan. For example, if a user uses spark 2.4 to create a view that contains null values from division-by-zero expressions, she may not want that other users' queries which reference her view throw exceptions when running on spark 3.x with ansi mode on.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
added UT + existing UTs (improved)

Closes #30289 from luluorta/SPARK-33141.

Authored-by: luluorta <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* Spelling r common dev mlib external project streaming resource managers python

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR intends to fix typos in the sub-modules:
* `R`
* `common`
* `dev`
* `mlib`
* `external`
* `project`
* `streaming`
* `resource-managers`
* `python`

Split per srowen

NOTE: The misspellings have been reported at

### Why are the changes needed?

Misspelled words make it harder to read / understand content.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

There are various fixes to documentation, etc...

### How was this patch tested?

No testing was performed

Closes #30402 from jsoref/spelling-R_common_dev_mlib_external_project_streaming_resource-managers_python.

Authored-by: Josh Soref <>
Signed-off-by: Sean Owen <>

* [SPARK-33570][SQL][TESTS] Set the proper version of gssapi plugin automatically for MariaDBKrbIntegrationSuite

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR changes to set the proper version automatically for mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server.
The proper version is based on the one of mariadb-server.
Also, this PR enables to use arbitrary docker image by setting the environment variable `MARIADB_CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME`.

### Why are the changes needed?

For `MariaDBKrbIntegrationSuite`, the version of `mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server` is currently set to `10.5.5` in `` but it's no longer available in the official apt repository and `MariaDBKrbIntegrationSuite` doesn't pass for now.
It seems that only the most recent three versions are available for each major version and they are `10.5.6`, `10.5.7` and `10.5.8` for now.
Further, the release cycle of MariaDB seems to be very rapid (1 ~ 2 months) so I don't think it's a good idea to set to an specific version for `mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server`.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Confirmed that `MariaDBKrbIntegrationSuite` passes with the following commands.
$  build/sbt -Pdocker-integration-tests -Phive -Phive-thriftserver package "testOnly org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.MariaDBKrbIntegrationSuite"
In this case, we can see what version of `mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server` is going to be installed in the following container log message.
Installing mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server=1:10.5.8+maria~focal

Or, we can set MARIADB_CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME for a specific version of MariaDB.
$ MARIADB_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=mariadb:10.5.6 build/sbt -Pdocker-integration-tests -Phive -Phive-thriftserver package "testOnly org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.MariaDBKrbIntegrationSuite"
Installing mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server=1:10.5.6+maria~focal

Closes #30515 from sarutak/fix-MariaDBKrbIntegrationSuite.

Authored-by: Kousuke Saruta <>
Signed-off-by: Takeshi Yamamuro <>

* [SPARK-33580][CORE] resolveDependencyPaths should use classifier attribute of artifact

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This patch proposes to use classifier attribute to construct artifact path instead of type.

### Why are the changes needed?

`resolveDependencyPaths` now takes artifact type to decide to add "-tests" postfix. However, the path pattern of ivy in `resolveMavenCoordinates` is `[organization]_[artifact][revision](-[classifier]).[ext]`. We should use classifier instead of type to construct file path.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Unit test. Manual test.

Closes #30524 from viirya/SPARK-33580.

Authored-by: Liang-Chi Hsieh <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [MINOR][SQL] Remove `getTables()` from `r.SQLUtils`

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
Remove the unused method `getTables()` from `r.SQLUtils`. The method was used before the changes but R's `tables.default` was rewritten using `listTables()`:

### Why are the changes needed?
To improve code maintenance, and remove the dead code.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
By R tests.

Closes #30527 from MaxGekk/remove-getTables-in-r-SQLUtils.

Authored-by: Max Gekk <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33581][SQL][TEST] Refactor HivePartitionFilteringSuite

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This pr refactor HivePartitionFilteringSuite.

### Why are the changes needed?

To make it easy to maintain.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?


Closes #30525 from wangyum/SPARK-33581.

Authored-by: Yuming Wang <>
Signed-off-by: Yuming Wang <>

* [SPARK-33590][DOCS][SQL] Add missing sub-bullets in Spark SQL Guide

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Add the missing sub-bullets in the left side of `Spark SQL Guide`

### Why are the changes needed?

The three sub-bullets in the left side is not consistent with the contents (five bullets) in the right side.


### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, you can see more lines in the left menu.

### How was this patch tested?

Manually build the doc as follows. This can be verified as attached:

cd docs
SKIP_API=1 jekyll build
firefox _site/sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html


Closes #30537 from kiszk/SPARK-33590.

Authored-by: Kazuaki Ishizaki <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33587][CORE] Kill the executor on nested fatal errors

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Currently we will kill the executor when hitting a fatal error. However, if the fatal error is wrapped by another exception, such as
- java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,, when using Guava cache or Java thread pool.
- SparkException thrown from or

We will still keep the executor running. Fatal errors are usually unrecoverable (such as OutOfMemoryError), some components may be in a broken state when hitting a fatal error and it's hard to predicate the behaviors of a broken component. Hence, it's better to detect the nested fatal error as well and kill the executor. Then we can rely on Spark's fault tolerance to recover.

### Why are the changes needed?

Fatal errors are usually unrecoverable (such as OutOfMemoryError), some components may be in a broken state when hitting a fatal error and it's hard to predicate the behaviors of a broken component. Hence, it's better to detect the nested fatal error as well and kill the executor. Then we can rely on Spark's fault tolerance to recover.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yep. There is a slight internal behavior change on when to kill an executor. We will kill the executor when detecting a nested fatal error in the exception chain. `spark.executor.killOnFatalError.depth` is added to allow users to turn off this change if the slight behavior change impacts them.

### How was this patch tested?

The new method `Executor.isFatalError` is tested by `spark.executor.killOnNestedFatalError`.

Closes #30528 from zsxwing/SPARK-33587.

Authored-by: Shixiong Zhu <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33588][SQL] Respect the `spark.sql.caseSensitive` config while resolving partition spec in v1 `SHOW TABLE EXTENDED`

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
Perform partition spec normalization in `ShowTablesCommand` according to the table schema before getting partitions from the catalog. The normalization via `PartitioningUtils.normalizePartitionSpec()` adjusts the column names in partition specification, w.r.t. the real partition column names and case sensitivity.

### Why are the changes needed?
Even when `spark.sql.caseSensitive` is `false` which is the default value, v1 `SHOW TABLE EXTENDED` is case sensitive:
spark-sql> CREATE TABLE tbl1 (price int, qty int, year int, month int)
         > USING parquet
         > partitioned by (year, month);
spark-sql> INSERT INTO tbl1 PARTITION(year = 2015, month = 1) SELECT 1, 1;
spark-sql> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'tbl1' PARTITION(YEAR = 2015, Month = 1);
Error in query: Partition spec is invalid. The spec (YEAR, Month) must match the partition spec (year, month) defined in table '`default`.`tbl1`';

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
Yes. After the changes, the `SHOW TABLE EXTENDED` command respects the SQL config. And for example above, it returns correct result:
spark-sql> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'tbl1' PARTITION(YEAR = 2015, Month = 1);
default	tbl1	false	Partition Values: [year=2015, month=1]
Location: file:/Users/maximgekk/spark-warehouse/tbl1/year=2015/month=1
Serde Library:
Storage Properties: [serialization.format=1, path=file:/Users/maximgekk/spark-warehouse/tbl1]
Partition Parameters: {transient_lastDdlTime=1606595118, totalSize=623, numFiles=1}
Created Time: Sat Nov 28 23:25:18 MSK 2020
Last Access: UNKNOWN
Partition Statistics: 623 bytes

### How was this patch tested?
By running the modified test suite `v1/ShowTablesSuite`

Closes #30529 from MaxGekk/show-table-case-sensitive-spec.

Authored-by: Max Gekk <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33585][SQL][DOCS] Fix the comment for `SQLContext.tables()` and mention the `database` column

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
Change the comments for `SQLContext.tables()` to "The returned DataFrame has three columns, database, tableName and isTemporary".

### Why are the changes needed?
Currently, the comment mentions only 2 columns but `tables()` returns 3 columns actually:
scala> spark.range(10).createOrReplaceTempView("view1")
scala> val tables = spark.sqlContext.tables()
tables: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [database: string, tableName: string ... 1 more field]

scala> tables.printSchema
 |-- database: string (nullable = false)
 |-- tableName: string (nullable = false)
 |-- isTemporary: boolean (nullable = false)

| default|       t1|      false|
| default|       t2|      false|
| default|      ymd|      false|
|        |    view1|       true|

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
By running `./dev/scalastyle`

Closes #30526 from MaxGekk/sqlcontext-tables-doc.

Authored-by: Max Gekk <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>

* [SPARK-33517][SQL][DOCS] Fix the correct menu items and page links in PySpark Usage Guide for Pandas with Apache Arrow

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Change "Apache Arrow in Spark" to "Apache Arrow in PySpark"
and the link to “/sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html#apache-arrow-in-pyspark”

### Why are the changes needed?
When I click on the menu item it doesn't point to the correct page, and from the parent menu I can infer that the correct menu item name and link should be "Apache Arrow in PySpark".
like this:

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?
Yes, clicking on the menu item will take you to the correct guide page

### How was this patch tested?
Manually build the doc. This can be verified as below:

cd docs
SKIP_API=1 jekyll build
open _site/sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html

Closes #30466 from liucht-inspur/master.

Authored-by: liucht <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33589][SQL] Close opened session if the initialization fails

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This pr add try catch when opening session.

### Why are the changes needed?

Close opened session if the initialization fails.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Manual test.

Before this pr:

[rootspark-3267648 spark]#  bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/db_not_exist
NOTE: SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES is set, placing locally compiled Spark classes ahead of assembly.
Connecting to jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/db_not_exist
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.hive.jdbc.Utils).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/db_not_exist: Database 'db_not_exist' not found; (state=08S01,code=0)
Beeline version 2.3.7 by Apache Hive

After this pr:
[rootspark-3267648 spark]#  bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/db_not_exist
NOTE: SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES is set, placing locally compiled Spark classes ahead of assembly.
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
Connecting to jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/db_not_exist
Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/db_not_exist: Failed to open new session: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchDatabaseException: Database 'db_not_exist' not found; (state=08S01,code=0)
Beeline version 2.3.7 by Apache Hive

Closes #30536 from wangyum/SPARK-33589.

Authored-by: Yuming Wang <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33582][SQL] Hive Metastore support filter by not-equals

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This pr make partition predicate pushdown into Hive metastore support not-equals operator.

Hive related changes:

### Why are the changes needed?

Improve query performance.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Unit test.

Closes #30534 from wangyum/SPARK-33582.

Authored-by: Yuming Wang <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33567][SQL] DSv2: Use callback instead of passing Spark session and v2 relation for refreshing cache

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This replaces Spark session and `DataSourceV2Relation` in V2 write plans by replacing them with a callback `afterWrite`.

### Why are the changes needed?

Per discussion in #30429, it's better to not pass Spark session and `DataSourceV2Relation` through Spark plans. Instead we can use a callback which makes the interface cleaner.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?


Closes #30491 from sunchao/SPARK-33492-followup.

Authored-by: Chao Sun <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [MINOR] Spelling bin core docs external mllib repl

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR intends to fix typos in the sub-modules:
* `bin`
* `core`
* `docs`
* `external`
* `mllib`
* `repl`
* `pom.xml`

Split per srowen

NOTE: The misspellings have been reported at

### Why are the changes needed?

Misspelled words make it harder to read / understand content.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

There are various fixes to documentation, etc...

### How was this patch tested?

No testing was performed

Closes #30530 from jsoref/spelling-bin-core-docs-external-mllib-repl.

Authored-by: Josh Soref <>
Signed-off-by: Takeshi Yamamuro <>

* [SPARK-32976][SQL] Support column list in INSERT statement

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

#### JIRA expectations
   INSERT currently does not support named column lists.

   INSERT INTO <table> (col1, col2,…) VALUES( 'val1', 'val2', … )
   Note, we assume the column list contains all the column names. Issue an exception if the list is not complete. The column order could be different from the column order defined in the table definition.
#### implemetations
In this PR, we add a column list  as an optional part to the `INSERT OVERWRITE/INTO` statements:
   * {{{
   *   INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tableIdentifier [partitionSpec [IF NOT EXISTS]]? [identifierList] ...
   *   INSERT INTO [TABLE] tableIdentifier [partitionSpec]  [identifierList] ...
   * }}}
The column list represents all expected columns with an explicit order that you want to insert to the target table. **Particularly**,  we assume the column list contains all the column names in the current implementation, it will fail when the list is incomplete.

In **Analyzer**, we add a code path to resolve the column list in the `ResolveOutputRelation` rule before it is transformed to v1 or v2 command. It will fail here if the list has any field that not belongs to the target table.

Then, for v2 command, e.g. `AppendData`, we use the resolved column list and output of the target table to resolve the output of the source query `ResolveOutputRelation` rule. If the list has duplicated columns, we fail. If the list is not empty but the list size does not match the target table, we fail. If no other exceptions occur, we use the column list to map the output of the source query to the output of the target table.  The column list will be set to Nil and it will not hit the rule again after it is resolved.

for v1 command, those all happen in the `PreprocessTableInsertion` rule

### Why are the changes needed?
 new feature support

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

yes, insert into/overwrite table support specify column list
### How was this patch tested?

new tests

Closes #29893 from yaooqinn/SPARK-32976.

Authored-by: Kent Yao <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33448][SQL] Support CACHE/UNCACHE TABLE commands for v2 tables

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes to support `CHACHE/UNCACHE TABLE` commands for v2 tables.

In addtion, this PR proposes to migrate `CACHE/UNCACHE TABLE` to use `UnresolvedTableOrView` to resolve the table identifier. This allows consistent resolution rules (temp view first, etc.) to be applied for both v1/v2 commands. More info about the consistent resolution rule proposal can be found in [JIRA]( or [proposal doc](

### Why are the changes needed?

To support `CACHE/UNCACHE TABLE` commands for v2 tables.

Note that `CACHE/UNCACHE TABLE` for v1 tables/views go through `SparkSession.table` to resolve identifier, which resolves temp views first, so there is no change in the behavior by moving to the new framework.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes. Now the user can run `CACHE/UNCACHE TABLE` commands on v2 tables.

### How was this patch tested?

Added/updated existing tests.

Closes #30403 from imback82/cache_table.

Authored-by: Terry Kim <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>

* [SPARK-33498][SQL][FOLLOW-UP] Deduplicate the unittest by using checkCastWithParseError

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Dup code removed in SPARK-33498 as follow-up.

### Why are the changes needed?


### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Existing UT.

Closes #30540 from leanken/leanken-SPARK-33498.

Authored-by: xuewei.linxuewei <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-28646][SQL] Fix bug of Count so as consistent with mainstream databases

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
Currently, Spark allows calls to `count` even for non parameterless aggregate function. For example, the following query actually works:
`SELECT count() FROM tenk1;`
On the other hand, mainstream databases will throw an error.
`> ORA-00909: invalid number of arguments`
`ERROR:  count(*) must be used to call a parameterless aggregate function`
`> 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')`

### Why are the changes needed?
Fix a bug so that consistent with mainstream databases.
There is an example query output with/without this fix.
`SELECT count() FROM testData;`
The output before this fix:
The output after this fix:
cannot resolve 'count()' due to data type mismatch: count requires at least one argument.; line 1 pos 7

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
If not specify parameter for `count`, will throw an error.

### How was this patch tested?
Jenkins test.

Closes #30541 from beliefer/SPARK-28646.

Lead-authored-by: gengjiaan <>
Co-authored-by: beliefer <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>

* [SPARK-33480][SQL] Support char/varchar type

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR adds the char/varchar type which is kind of a variant of string type:
1. Char type is fixed-length string. When comparing char type values, we need to pad the shorter one to the longer length.
2. Varchar type is string with a length limitation.

To implement the char/varchar semantic, this PR:
1. Do string length check when writing to char/varchar type columns.
2. Do string padding when reading char type columns. We don't do it at the writing side to save storage space.
3. Do string padding when comparing char type column with string literal or another char type column. (string literal is fixed length so should be treated as char type as well)

To simplify the implementation, this PR doesn't propagate char/varchar type info through functions/operator…
  • Loading branch information
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Showing 799 changed files with 19,266 additions and 7,634 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/build_and_test.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ jobs:
name: "Build modules: ${{ matrix.modules }}"
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
image: dongjoon/apache-spark-github-action-image:20201015
image: dongjoon/apache-spark-github-action-image:20201025
fail-fast: false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Build with SBT
run: |
./dev/ 2.13
./build/sbt -Pyarn -Pmesos -Pkubernetes -Phive -Phive-thriftserver -Phadoop-cloud -Pkinesis-asl -Djava.version=11 -Pscala-2.13 compile test:compile
./build/sbt -Pyarn -Pmesos -Pkubernetes -Phive -Phive-thriftserver -Phadoop-cloud -Pkinesis-asl -Pdocker-integration-tests -Pscala-2.13 compile test:compile
name: Hadoop 2 build with SBT
Expand Down
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/publish_snapshot.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name: Publish Snapshot

- cron: '0 0 * * *'

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout Spark repository
uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Cache Maven local repository
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.m2/repository
key: snapshot-maven-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }}
restore-keys: |
- name: Install Java 8
uses: actions/setup-java@v1
java-version: 8
- name: Publish snapshot
ASF_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.NEXUS_PW }}
GPG_KEY: "not_used"
GPG_PASSPHRASE: "not_used"
run: ./dev/create-release/ publish-snapshot
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ To release SparkR as a package to CRAN, we would use the `devtools` package. Ple

First, check that the `Version:` field in the `pkg/DESCRIPTION` file is updated. Also, check for stale files not under source control.

Note that while `` runs `` (which runs `R CMD check`), it is doing so with `--no-manual --no-vignettes`, which skips a few vignettes or PDF checks - therefore it will be preferred to run `R CMD check` on the source package built manually before uploading a release. Also note that for CRAN checks for pdf vignettes to success, `qpdf` tool must be there (to install it, eg. `yum -q -y install qpdf`).
Note that while `` runs `` (which runs `R CMD check`), it is doing so with `--no-manual --no-vignettes`, which skips a few vignettes or PDF checks - therefore it will be preferred to run `R CMD check` on the source package built manually before uploading a release. Also note that for CRAN checks for pdf vignettes to success, `qpdf` tool must be there (to install it, e.g. `yum -q -y install qpdf`).

To upload a release, we would need to update the ``. This should generally contain the results from running the `` script along with comments on status of all `WARNING` (should not be any) or `NOTE`. As a part of `` and the release process, the vignettes is build - make sure `SPARK_HOME` is set and Spark jars are accessible.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/install-dev.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ MKDIR %SPARK_HOME%\R\lib

rem When you pass the package path directly as an argument to R CMD INSTALL,
rem it takes the path as 'C:\projects\spark\R\..\R\pkg"' as an example at
rem R 4.0. To work around this, directly go to the directoy and install it.
rem R 4.0. To work around this, directly go to the directory and install it.
rem See also SPARK-32074
pushd %SPARK_HOME%\R\pkg\
R.exe CMD INSTALL --library="%SPARK_HOME%\R\lib" .
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/pkg/DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: SparkR
Type: Package
Version: 3.1.0
Version: 3.2.0
Title: R Front End for 'Apache Spark'
Description: Provides an R Front end for 'Apache Spark' <>.
Authors@R: c(person("Shivaram", "Venkataraman", role = c("aut", "cre"),
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions R/pkg/NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ exportMethods("%<=>%",
Expand All @@ -222,6 +223,7 @@ exportMethods("%<=>%",
Expand All @@ -232,8 +234,10 @@ exportMethods("%<=>%",
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2772,7 +2772,7 @@ setMethod("merge",
#' Creates a list of columns by replacing the intersected ones with aliases
#' Creates a list of columns by replacing the intersected ones with aliases.
#' The name of the alias column is formed by concatanating the original column name and a suffix.
#' The name of the alias column is formed by concatenating the original column name and a suffix.
#' @param x a SparkDataFrame
#' @param intersectedColNames a list of intersected column names of the SparkDataFrame
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3231,7 +3231,7 @@ setMethod("describe",
#' \item stddev
#' \item min
#' \item max
#' \item arbitrary approximate percentiles specified as a percentage (eg, "75\%")
#' \item arbitrary approximate percentiles specified as a percentage (e.g., "75\%")
#' }
#' If no statistics are given, this function computes count, mean, stddev, min,
#' approximate quartiles (percentiles at 25\%, 50\%, and 75\%), and max.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3743,7 +3743,7 @@ setMethod("histogram",
#' @param x a SparkDataFrame.
#' @param url JDBC database url of the form \code{jdbc:subprotocol:subname}.
#' @param tableName yhe name of the table in the external database.
#' @param tableName the name of the table in the external database.
#' @param mode one of 'append', 'overwrite', 'error', 'errorifexists', 'ignore'
#' save mode (it is 'error' by default)
#' @param ... additional JDBC database connection properties.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/pkg/R/RDD.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ setMethod("takeSample", signature(x = "RDD", withReplacement = "logical",
# If the first sample didn't turn out large enough, keep trying to
# take samples; this shouldn't happen often because we use a big
# multiplier for thei initial size
# multiplier for the initial size
while (length(samples) < total)
samples <- collectRDD(sampleRDD(x, withReplacement, fraction,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ setMethod("glom",
#' @param x An RDD.
#' @param y An RDD.
#' @return a new RDD created by performing the simple union (witout removing
#' @return a new RDD created by performing the simple union (without removing
#' duplicates) of two input RDDs.
#' @examples
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/pkg/R/SQLContext.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ getSchema <- function(schema, firstRow = NULL, rdd = NULL) {

# SPAKR-SQL does not support '.' in column name, so replace it with '_'
# SPARK-SQL does not support '.' in column name, so replace it with '_'
# TODO(davies): remove this once SPARK-2775 is fixed
names <- lapply(names, function(n) {
nn <- gsub(".", "_", n, fixed = TRUE)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/pkg/R/WindowSpec.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ setMethod("show", "WindowSpec",
#' Defines the partitioning columns in a WindowSpec.
#' @param x a WindowSpec.
#' @param col a column to partition on (desribed by the name or Column).
#' @param col a column to partition on (described by the name or Column).
#' @param ... additional column(s) to partition on.
#' @return A WindowSpec.
#' @rdname partitionBy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ setMethod("rangeBetween",
#' @rdname over
#' @name over
#' @aliases over,Column,WindowSpec-method
#' @family colum_func
#' @family column_func
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- createDataFrame(mtcars)
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions R/pkg/R/column.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ createMethods()
#' @rdname alias
#' @name alias
#' @aliases alias,Column-method
#' @family colum_func
#' @family column_func
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- createDataFrame(iris)
Expand All @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ setMethod("alias",
#' @rdname substr
#' @name substr
#' @family colum_func
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases substr,Column-method
#' @param x a Column.
Expand All @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ setMethod("substr", signature(x = "Column"),
#' @rdname startsWith
#' @name startsWith
#' @family colum_func
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases startsWith,Column-method
#' @param x vector of character string whose "starts" are considered
Expand All @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ setMethod("startsWith", signature(x = "Column"),
#' @rdname endsWith
#' @name endsWith
#' @family colum_func
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases endsWith,Column-method
#' @param x vector of character string whose "ends" are considered
Expand All @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ setMethod("endsWith", signature(x = "Column"),
#' @rdname between
#' @name between
#' @family colum_func
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases between,Column-method
#' @param x a Column
Expand All @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ setMethod("between", signature(x = "Column"),
# nolint end
#' @rdname cast
#' @name cast
#' @family colum_func
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases cast,Column-method
#' @examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ setMethod("%in%",
#' Can be a single value or a Column.
#' @rdname otherwise
#' @name otherwise
#' @family colum_func
#' @family column_func
#' @aliases otherwise,Column-method
#' @note otherwise since 1.5.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ setMethod("withField",
#' )
#' # However, if you are going to add/replace multiple nested fields,
#' # it is preffered to extract out the nested struct before
#' # it is preferred to extract out the nested struct before
#' # adding/replacing multiple fields e.g.
#' head(
#' withColumn(
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/pkg/R/context.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ makeSplits <- function(numSerializedSlices, length) {
# For instance, for numSerializedSlices of 22, length of 50
# [1] 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 6 9 9 11 11 13 13 15 15 15 18 18 20 20 22 22 22
# [26] 25 25 27 27 29 29 31 31 31 34 34 36 36 38 38 40 40 40 43 43 45 45 47 47 47
# Notice the slice group with 3 slices (ie. 6, 15, 22) are roughly evenly spaced.
# Notice the slice group with 3 slices (i.e. 6, 15, 22) are roughly evenly spaced.
# We are trying to reimplement the calculation in the positions method in ParallelCollectionRDD
if (numSerializedSlices > 0) {
unlist(lapply(0: (numSerializedSlices - 1), function(x) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ makeSplits <- function(numSerializedSlices, length) {
#' This change affects both createDataFrame and spark.lapply.
#' In the specific one case that it is used to convert R native object into SparkDataFrame, it has
#' always been kept at the default of 1. In the case the object is large, we are explicitly setting
#' the parallism to numSlices (which is still 1).
#' the parallelism to numSlices (which is still 1).
#' Specifically, we are changing to split positions to match the calculation in positions() of
#' ParallelCollectionRDD in Spark.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/pkg/R/deserialize.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ readDeserializeWithKeysInArrow <- function(inputCon) {

keys <- readMultipleObjects(inputCon)

# Read keys to map with each groupped batch later.
# Read keys to map with each grouped batch later.
list(keys = keys, data = data)

Expand Down
69 changes: 66 additions & 3 deletions R/pkg/R/functions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ NULL
#' @param y Column to compute on.
#' @param pos In \itemize{
#' \item \code{locate}: a start position of search.
#' \item \code{overlay}: a start postiton for replacement.
#' \item \code{overlay}: a start position for replacement.
#' }
#' @param len In \itemize{
#' \item \code{lpad} the maximum length of each output result.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,7 +357,13 @@ NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- read.df("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt", source = "libsvm")
#' head(select(df, vector_to_array(df$features)))
#' head(
#' withColumn(
#' withColumn(df, "array", vector_to_array(df$features)),
#' "vector",
#' array_to_vector(column("array"))
#' )
#' )
#' }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,6 +461,19 @@ setMethod("acos",

#' @details
#' \code{acosh}: Computes inverse hyperbolic cosine of the input column.
#' @rdname column_math_functions
#' @aliases acosh acosh,Column-method
#' @note acosh since 3.1.0
signature(x = "Column"),
function(x) {
jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "acosh", x@jc)

#' @details
#' \code{approx_count_distinct}: Returns the approximate number of distinct items in a group.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,6 +541,19 @@ setMethod("asin",

#' @details
#' \code{asinh}: Computes inverse hyperbolic sine of the input column.
#' @rdname column_math_functions
#' @aliases asinh asinh,Column-method
#' @note asinh since 3.1.0
signature(x = "Column"),
function(x) {
jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "asinh", x@jc)

#' @details
#' \code{atan}: Returns the inverse tangent of the given value,
#' as if computed by \code{java.lang.Math.atan()}
Expand All @@ -536,6 +568,19 @@ setMethod("atan",

#' @details
#' \code{atanh}: Computes inverse hyperbolic tangent of the input column.
#' @rdname column_math_functions
#' @aliases atanh atanh,Column-method
#' @note atanh since 3.1.0
signature(x = "Column"),
function(x) {
jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "atanh", x@jc)

#' avg
#' Aggregate function: returns the average of the values in a group.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2879,7 +2924,7 @@ setMethod("shiftRight", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),

#' @details
#' \code{shiftRightUnsigned}: (Unigned) shifts the given value numBits right. If the given value is
#' \code{shiftRightUnsigned}: (Unsigned) shifts the given value numBits right. If the given value is
#' a long value, it will return a long value else it will return an integer value.
#' @rdname column_math_functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4570,6 +4615,24 @@ setMethod("timestamp_seconds",

#' @details
#' \code{array_to_vector} Converts a column of array of numeric type into
#' a column of dense vectors in MLlib
#' @rdname column_ml_functions
#' @aliases array_to_vector array_to_vector,Column-method
#' @note array_to_vector since 3.1.0
signature(x = "Column"),
function(x) {
jc <- callJStatic(

#' @details
#' \code{vector_to_array} Converts a column of MLlib sparse/dense vectors into
#' a column of dense arrays.
Expand Down

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