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K_means clustering implementation in C++20 and range-v3

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#### Infographic made by [spiyer99](


See: (may not be up to date with the most recent code).

using fmt::print, std::array, kmn::DataPoint;
using kmn::print_clusters, kmn::k_means;

//INPUT range
auto const int_arr_df =
array{DataPoint(1, 2, 3),    DataPoint(4, 5, 6),    DataPoint(7, 8, 9),
      DataPoint(28, 29, 30), DataPoint(31, 32, 33), DataPoint(34, 35, 36),
      DataPoint(19, 20, 21), DataPoint(22, 23, 24), DataPoint(25, 26, 27),
      DataPoint(10, 11, 12), DataPoint(13, 14, 15), DataPoint(16, 17, 18),
      DataPoint(37, 38, 39), DataPoint(40, 41, 42), DataPoint(43, 44, 45)};

//OUTPUT range
vector<std::size_t> out_indices(int_arr_df.size());
std::size_t const k{ 4 }, n{ 10 };
// k_means(int_arr_df, out_indices, k, n);
auto kmn_result = k_means(int_arr_df, out_indices, k, n);
fmt::print("Cluster indices for each point:\n {}\n\n", out_indices);
fmt::print("Points partitionned into clusters:\n\n");
Cluster indices for each point:
 {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4}

Points partitionned into clusters:

Centroid: {5.5, 6.5, 7.5}
Satellites: {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}, {10, 11, 12}}

Centroid: {29.5, 30.5, 31.5}
Satellites: {{28, 29, 30}, {31, 32, 33}, {34, 35, 36}, {25, 26, 27}}

Centroid: {17.5, 18.5, 19.5}
Satellites: {{19, 20, 21}, {22, 23, 24}, {13, 14, 15}, {16, 17, 18}}

Centroid: {40, 41, 42}
Satellites: {{37, 38, 39}, {40, 41, 42}, {43, 44, 45}}

A call to k_means(data_points_range, out_indices_range, k, n); populates out_indices_range with a cluster index (from 1 to k) for each data point. The partitionning is done through n updates (the higher the n the better the partitioning).

A call to k_means returns a std::optional object with potentially useful information for the user: { vector of centroids, vector of cluster sizes, reference to input range, reference to output range }. This object is iterable over cluster objects i.e. each iterated element returns a { centroid, satellites } object.

A data point is to be wrapped with the kmn::DataPoint<T, D> type, with T an arithmetic type and D the point's dimensionality. T and D can be implicit through CTAD as shown in the above example. All data points must naturally have the same dimensionality.


This is intended as a practice project that ideally evolves into something useful.

How do I use this?


  • -std=c++20
  • gcc 10.1
    • msvc hasn't implemented std::ranges yet and clang's std::ranges/concepts seem to be yet incomplete.
  • External dependencies: range-v3 and fmtlib (optional for output display).

Build Instructions

cd path/to/your/folder
git clone --recursive
cd k-means
cmake -B build
cmake --build build

You may then execute the provided example to ensure everything works e.g. ./build/src/demo.


  • Write unit tests (catch2).
    • Check and
    • A given input (with fixed n and k) will have N reference outputs which the output of a given revision of the implementation has to compare against (i.e. references' mean or any one of them) within a tolerance.
      • The comparison would be done by euclidean distance between output ranges of indices.
    • Do this for differently typed (range-wise, value type-wise, cv-qualification-wise) X inputs.
  • Fuzz testing
  • Set up CI.
    • ninjawedding@includecpp: if you've got CI configured you should have at least one test configuration that runs your tests with sanitizers enabled.
    • Benchmark compile and run times.
  • Subject further refactorings to TDD.
  • See if k_means_impl's steps can be made into custom views (see; it's currently operating with eager intermediate operations.
    • "Just as with borrowed ranges, a type can opt in to being a view using the enable_view trait, or by inheriting from ranges::views_base.
  • Adapt implementation to rvalue inputs (e.g. spans, adapted views, borrowed ranges) either with rvalue ref parameter overload, or with a specialization returning a kmn::dangling_reference empty object when appropriate for handling the returned data_points and out_indices references.
  • Prettify print_kmn_result with a tabular format display.
  • Look into how to detect moves/copies of types (including library types).
  • Make sure these are used as they should be: move semantics, RVO, in-place construction, explicit ctors, noexcept...etc.
  • Look into SBO for the returned vectors; SBO for up to a reasonable size (2 for k?) and allocate beyond that.
    • seph@includecpp: There are so called static vector types that have a max size and then allocate like a regular vector if it goes beyond that
    • killerbee13@includecpp: Boost has an SBO vector.
    • Darrell Wright@includecpp: reducing the smaller allocations by vector can have a good perf benefit. something like a min reserve of 1-4kb. vecT.reserve( 4096/sizeof(T) ) depending on allocation patterns, SBO may not help. Also, it has a potential hit with move being slower
  • Write a blog?
  • Provide an interface for file input.
  • Convergence criteria instead of n iterations.
  • dicroce@Reddit: Write auto_k_means; start with K=1, iteratively employ k-means with greater K's until adding a new centroid implies most of the satellites assigned to it came from an existing cluster.
  • Concurrency.
  • Look into #include <immintrin.h> compiler intrinsics.


My thanks go to a few competent minds from the #includecpp Discord who helped me in understanding the C++ ins and outs to write this code: sarah, Léo, marcorubini, oktal, Lesley Lai and ninjawedding. Lorely and melak-47 for the CMake stuff. tre, Nicole Mazzuca and Robert Schumacher for the vcpkg stuff.


K_means clustering implementation in C++20 and range-v3






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