- Access Token key and secret by the users Access Token key and secret
- Consumer key and secret by the app's consumer key and secret
TweetOuth=Tweetoauth('Access Token key','Access Token Secret','consumer key', 'consumer secret')
Make sure that you are not under any proxy server and also make sure that internet access is available.
in command prompt navigte to directory containing tweetFollow.py(this directory)
python tweetFollow.py <username>
- Twitter Username
Strores details of all followers and following of specified users in file named <username>__follow.log
in command prompt navigte to directory containing bmtu.py(this directory)
python bmtu.py <operation> <username>
- init: Create an initial <username>.db file.
- fetch: Fill in missing tweets for <username>.db
- Twitter Username
Strores the tweets in <username>.db database
in command prompt navigte to directory containing search.py(this directory)
python search.py <operation> <Search Element>
- init: Create an initial <Search Element>.db file.
- fetch: Fill in missing tweets for <Search Element>.db
- Searches for Search elements in Twitter
To srearch "Cloud Computing"
python search.py init "Cloud Computing"
python search.py fetch "Cloud Computing"
Stores result in DB
in command prompt navigte to directory containing tweetList.py(this directory)
python tweetList.py <operation> <owner username> <slug name>
- init: Create an initial <owner username>_<slug name>.db file.
- fetch: Fill in missing tweets for <owner username>_<slug name>.db
To get 'Top tech Jobs' list's tweet and store in 'ahmadfaizalbh_top-tech-jobs.db'
python tweetList.py init ahmadfaizalbh top-tech-jobs
python tweetList.py fetch ahmadfaizalbh top-tech-jobs
Stores result in DB