This image aims to run node tests.
To create the base image ahgora/alpine-test-node
, execute the following command on the alpine-test-node folder:
docker build -t <build_name> .
Start your image, build its link to whichever other container you need to connect to:
docker run -t -d --link cassandra:cassandra alpine-test-node /bin/sh
Once you have this container running you will need to copy your project to its container.
docker cp <project_folder> <containerid>:/
Acess its container by:
docker exec -it <containerid> /bin/sh
If you are using makefile to organize code compilation as this project, you can execute the command below:
cd <project_folder>
npm install --unsafe-perm
node_modules/.bin/gulp build-test
You will get the results of your tests as soon as its test complete.
That's it!