The goal of the R package samplesim
is to estimate sample size effects
in stable isotope mixing solutions.
The package samplesim
requires the freeware
You can install the stable version of samplesim
## Install stable version of 'samplesim' ----
Or you can install the development version from GitHub with:
## Install 'remotes' package (if not already installed) ----
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {
## Install development version of 'samplesim' ----
Then you can attach the package samplesim
Please read the Vignette
Please cite this package as:
Lecomte N., Ehrich D., Casajus N., Berteaux D., Cameron C., and Yoccoz N.G. How many is enough? An R package for evaluating the effect of sample size on estimates and precision of stable isotope mixing solutions. Submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Or alternatively:
Casajus N., Cameron C., Ehrich D., and Lecomte N. (2021) samplesim: An R package to investigate sample size effects in stable isotope mixing solutions. R package version 1.0. URL:
Please note that the samplesim
project is released with a Contributor
Code of
By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.