Configuration providers for go inspired by .net core configuration libs. Extensible and easy to use.
- Memory source
- Environment variables
- JSON file
- YAML file
- INI file
- Multi providers support (merge sources)
- Extensible providers support (new providers can be added easily, even only one function to implement a new provider using file from local filesystem)
- Get value by full path with key delimiter (e.g.
) - Cast value to specialized type with
- Bind configuration section to struct
- package:
// initialize on application startup
goconf.Init(func(b goconf.Builder) {
b.AddSource(physicalfile.Yaml(/*yaml file path, absolute or relative both supported*/)))
.AddSource(physicalfile.Json(/*json file path, absolute or relative both supported*/))
.AddSource(goconf.EnvironmentVariable(/*prefix for filter environment variables*/))
.AddSource(goconf.Memory(/*config map*/))
// use it anywhere
bindAddr, ok := goconf.GetString("application.bind_addr.addr") //Get string value
bindAddrWithDefault := goconf.GetStringOrDefault("application.bind_addr.addr", "default value") //returns default value when key is not found
castValue, ok := goconf.Cast("application.bind_addr.port", goconf.IntConversion) //cast value to int
castValueWithDefault := goconf.CastOrDefault("application.bind_addr.port", 0 /*default value*/, goconf.IntConversion) //cast value to int, returns default value when key is not found
section:= gocinf.GetSection("application") //get section
var application fakeStruct.Application
err := section.Bind(&application) //bind section to struct
- for binding struct
- for yaml file support
- for testing