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Releases: agronholm/apscheduler


15 May 23:15
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  • BREAKING Added the cleanup() scheduler method and a configuration option (cleanup_interval). A corresponding abstract method was added to the DataStore class. This method purges expired job results and schedules that have exhausted their triggers and have no more associated jobs running. Previously, schedules were automatically deleted instantly once their triggers could no longer produce any fire times.
  • BREAKING Made publishing JobReleased events the responsibility of the DataStore implementation, rather than the scheduler, for consistency with the acquire_jobs() method
  • BREAKING The started_at field was moved from Job to JobResult
  • BREAKING Removed the from_url() class methods of SQLAlchemyDataStore, MongoDBDataStore and RedisEventBroker in favor of the ability to pass a connection url to the initializer
  • Added the ability to pause and unpause schedules (PR by @WillDaSilva)
  • Added the scheduled_start field to the JobAcquired event
  • Added the scheduled_start and started_at fields to the JobReleased event
  • Fixed large parts of MongoDBDataStore still calling blocking functions in the event loop thread
  • Fixed JSON serialization of triggers that had been used at least once
  • Fixed dialect name checks in the SQLAlchemy job store
  • Fixed JSON and CBOR serializers unable to serialize enums
  • Fixed infinite loop in CalendarIntervalTrigger with UTC timezone (PR by unights)
  • Fixed scheduler not resuming job processing when max_concurrent_jobs had been reached and then a job was completed, thus making job processing possible again (PR by MohammadAmin Vahedinia)
  • Fixed the shutdown procedure of the Redis event broker
  • Fixed SQLAlchemyDataStore not respecting custom schema name when creating enums
  • Fixed skipped intervals with overlapping schedules in AndTrigger (#911 <#911>_; PR by Bennett Meares)
  • Fixed implicitly created client instances in data stores and event brokers not being closed along with the store/broker


13 Nov 00:52
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  • BREAKING Renamed any leftover fields named executor to job_executor (this breaks data store compatibility)
  • BREAKING Switched to using the timezone aware timestamp column type on Oracle
  • BREAKING Fixed precision issue with interval columns on MySQL
  • BREAKING Fixed datetime comparison issues on SQLite and MySQL
  • BREAKING Worked around datetime microsecond precision issue on MongoDB
  • BREAKING Renamed the worker_id field to scheduler_id in the JobAcquired and JobReleased events
  • BREAKING Added the task_id attribute to the ScheduleAdded, ScheduleUpdated and ScheduleRemoved events
  • BREAKING Added the finished attribute to the ScheduleRemoved event
  • BREAKING Added the logger parameter to Datastore.start() and EventBroker.start() to make both use the scheduler's assigned logger
  • BREAKING Made the apscheduler.marshalling module private
  • Added the configure_task() and get_tasks() scheduler methods
  • Fixed out of order delivery of events delivered using worker threads
  • Fixed schedule processing not setting job start deadlines correctly


01 Oct 21:30
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  • BREAKING The scheduler classes were moved to be importable (only) directly from the apscheduler package (apscheduler.Scheduler and apscheduler.AsyncScheduler)
  • BREAKING Removed the "tags" field in schedules and jobs (this will be added back when the feature has been fully thought through)
  • BREAKING Removed the JobInfo class in favor of just using the Job class (which is now immutable)
  • BREAKING Workers were merged into schedulers. As the Worker and AsyncWorker classes have been removed, you now need to pass role=SchedulerRole.scheduler to the scheduler to prevent it from processing due jobs. The worker event classes (WorkerEvent, WorkerStarted, WorkerStopped) have also been removed.
  • BREAKING The synchronous interfaces for event brokers and data stores have been removed. Synchronous libraries can still be used to implement these services through the use of anyio.to_thread.run_sync().
  • BREAKING The current_worker context variable has been removed
  • BREAKING The current_scheduler context variable is now specified to only contain the currently running instance of a synchronous scheduler (apscheduler.Scheduler). The asynchronous scheduler instance can be fetched from the new current_async_scheduler context variable, and will always be available when a scheduler is running in the current context, while current_scheduler is only available when the synchronous wrapper is being run.
  • BREAKING Changed the initialization of data stores and event brokers to use a single start() method that accepts an AsyncExitStack (and, depending on the interface, other arguments too)
  • BREAKING Added a concept of "job executors". This determines how the task function is executed once picked up by a worker. Several data structures and scheduler methods have a new field/parameter for this, job_executor. This addition requires database schema changes too.
  • Dropped support for Python 3.7
  • Added support for Python 3.12
  • Added the ability to run jobs in worker processes, courtesy of the processpool executor
  • Added the ability to run jobs in the Qt event loop via the qt executor
  • Added the get_jobs() scheduler method
  • The synchronous scheduler now runs an asyncio event loop in a thread, acting as a façade for AsyncScheduler
  • Fixed the schema parameter in SQLAlchemyDataStore not being applied
  • Fixed SQLalchemy 2.0 compatibility