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R package that helps to render interlinear glossed linguistic examples in html rmarkdown documents and then semi-automatically compiles the glosses list


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lingglosses: Linguistic glosses and semi-automatic list of glosses creation

CRAN version Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. DOI R build status

The main goal of the lingglosses R package is to create:

  • linguistic glosses for .html output of rmarkdown;
gloss_example(transliteration = "bur-e-ri c'in-ne-sːu",
              glosses = "fly-NPST-INF know-HAB-NEG", 
              free_translation = "I cannot fly.", 
              comment = "(lit. do not know how to)")
  • semi-automatic compiled abbreviation list.

hab — habitual; inf — infinitive; neg — negation; npst — non-past

For more details see the html-version of the tutorial.

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You can install the stable version from CRAN:


You can also install the development version of lingglosses from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

How to cite this package

> To cite lingglosses in publications use:
>   Moroz, G. (2021) lingglosses: Linguistic glosses and semi-automatic
>   list of glosses creation. (Version 0.0.2). Zenodo
> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
>   @Manual{,
>     title = {lingglosses: Linguistic glosses and semi-automatic list of glosses creation},
>     author = {George Moroz},
>     year = {2021},
>     doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5801712},
>   }