Inventory 112 is a program meant to function as an inventory/item checkout system for ABTech. Item information is stored in a database, and barcodes are generated within the program. With this system, accountability for all items can be maintained and the locations of each item can be centrally located.
Installation consists of unpacking the project zip file, and running the file Throughout the project, I tried to use relative file paths so that my project might be able to run on another machine. To change the logo in the corner of the app, change the file path on line 30 of to the path to your logo.
No modules were used for the core project that do not come with the standard Mac OS X install of Python 3.5. Dependencies are tkinter, PIL, and sqlite3.
Many of the included deprecated files in the deprecated folder, files that are not a part of my final product, use OpenCV 2 with Python 3 bindings, numpy, and scipy. If you are interested in installing those modules, please see the instructions located at ( which I followed.