This module extends Drupal Commerce by allowing the store owner to define product sets consisting of already existing product variations. A product set is a purchasable entity on its own and has got its own SKU as well as its own price. The referenced variations are stored rather for informational purposes.
Adding a product set to the cart results in one single order item referencing the product set. The order item stores information about the single parts (variations) in an own custom field, persisting the data at the time of placing the order.
Yes indeed, this module offers a very similar functionality as Commerce Product Bundle already does. Unfortunately, commerce_product_bundle is still not in a mature state, especially there is an ongoing discussion about the data model, especially regarding if and how to persist the information about the involved products and variations at the time of placing the order.
Being under time pressure for enabling product sets (or bundles - however you would like to call them) in a customer project forced me towards the inevitable decision to rather create a custom module for that, rather than being able to help improving commerce_product_bundle instead.
That's also the reason, why I'm reluctant whether to publish this module on, or if I should rather offer the maintainer of CPB to have a look at this module in order to adopt the one or another thing from this module.
Besides the differences in the stored order data, I took a simpler approach to the product set/bundle data model itself. I have went without having a dedicated entity type for the single parts a product set consists of. A product set is a purchasable entity on its own and directly references existing product variations (using the extended reference field from entity_reference_quantity module).
In the meantime, the module will be hosted on Github exclusively: Githup repo
After having a chat with bojanz on Slack, we decided to not publish it on d.o, as the module is too close to CPB. The project will stay on Github though and is available via Packagist under agoradesign/commerce_product_set.