CPU280 System software including CP/M Plus BIOS - with Comments in English
This is a copy of the CPU280 SYSTEM software source files from https://github.com/wwarthen/CPU280 with the comments translated from the original German into English.
The version translated was 1.20.2 dated 3-Aug-2017.
The translation was done by converting the original source files from DIN_66003 format (to cater for the German specific character-set) into UTF8, then through Google Translate and back to 7-bit US-ASCII (compatible with CP/M). Also, some of the comments have been further adjusted by hand after an examination of the assembly language instruction sequences.
The syntax of the source-files has also been adjusted to be compatible with Hector Peraza's native-mode Z80/Z180/Z280 assembler - ZSM4.