Archipelago Randomizer Implementation for Dungeon Clawler
1 - Navigate to your Dungeon Clawler install location. If you have the game through steam, it will generally be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dungeon Clawler
. Make a copy of the game folder somewhere else on your computer. This step is optional, but will allow you to keep your vanilla game clean and playable. If you mod it directly, you will be unable to play vanilla without re-installing.
2 - Download the latest file Clawrchipelago Full
from The Releases Page
3 - Extract the content of the zip in your game folder, in the Windows
folder. The mod files should live side by side with the game executable
4 - Edit the file ArchipelagoConnectionInfo.json
to set your desired connection information
5 - Launch the modded game! If errors occured, they'll be displayed in the console, and be saved to the file \BepInEx\LogOutput.log
2: Download the latest file Clawrchipelago Plugin
The Releases Page
3: Navigate to \BepInEx\plugins\
and overwrite the folder Clawrchipelago
in there with the one from the downloaded zip file
4: This will maintain all your local configs and should cause no disruption. You are now ready to play!
2: Download the latest release of BepInEx. Pick the file that corresponds to your operating system
3: Extract it in your game folder, as seen on step A2
4: Launch the modded game once. This will allow BepInEx to generate critical files, like its own config and \plugins
5: Edit the BepInEx config file. Most of the settings are up to you, but you need HideManagerGameObject = true
6: Download the latest file Clawrchipelago Plugin
The Releases Page
7: Extract it as its own folder in \BepInEx\plugins\
, usually naming the folder Clawrchipelago
8: Launch the modded game again. This will load Clawrchipelago and allow it to generate its own proper config files
9: Go to step A4
Follow the guide on the Archipelago Website, and use the apworld
file available on The Releases Page