Clover payment processor for CiviCRM
This payment processor can handle:
- One time Contributions (Front End and Back End)
- Recurring Contributions
- Editing Recurring Contribution amounts
- Refunding/Voiding
The extension is licensed under AGPL-3.0.
- PHP v8.1+
- CiviCRM 5.64.0+
Learn more about installing CiviCRM extensions in the CiviCRM Sysadmin Guide.
It is assumed if you are installing outside of the Web UI, you know what you are doing.
After Installing create a payment processor of the type "Clover" and configure relevant contribution/event registration forms to use it.
Civi Field | Clover Field |
trxn_id | retref |
trxn_result_code | response text |
- CardPointe API Documentation:
- CardPointe Test Cards: