I have made this project from Colt Steele's course on Modern React Bootcamp.
I have used class-based components along with React libraries.
The app provides you with some palettes and a option to make your own.
You can choose color format: hex-#fff, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(255,255,255,0.4).
This command with clone the repo and install all dependencies required to run the application.
git clone https://github.com/aggarwal-muskaan/color-palette-app.git
cd [foldername]
npm install
I've used these React Libraries in my project :
- react-copy-to-clipboard
- rc-slider
- react-color
- react-soratble-hoc
- react-transition-group
- chroma-js
- emoji-mart
- react-material-ui-form-validator
I have tried to add features to this project.
- Redirecting URLs
- Preventing Random Colors from duplicates.
- Used Sketch Picker for selecting colors.
- SVG background to Homepage.
Uses Local Storage for storing customized palettes.
Give it a shot.😅
The palette have a limit of 20 colors only.
- React
- Material-UI
And most importantly 😁, with the passion to learn and grow.
Connect with me on LinkedIn for collaboration.